samedi 1 juin 2013

Zouk at the sales n°173 p. 36

In the big, big city, Zouk and her Darling mum are going shopping.
There are people everywhere. It's very busy!
Saffron says to zouk "We are going to buy you some new clothes."
But Zouk doesn't want new clothes. She likes her old ones.

Saffron and Zouk take the lift. Everyone gets out on the 12th floor...
except Zouk,Saffron and a few other witches.
They go up to the 13th floor, a secret floor for witches. Zouk loves it here.

Saffron says, "you have grown. We need to buy you a new broom."
Zouk tries a yellow broom but it is too big. The Brown one is too small.
So Zouk gets to keep her own precious broom. She is really happy!
Saffron says, Oh well, let's go and look at  some hats!

Zouk tries on loads of hats in the hat deparment but she  can't find one she likes
"These ones are rubbish. Iwant a pointed hat!"
The sales woman says, "Sorry; Miss. We only have square ones left."

"I hate square hats;" grumbles  Zouk.

Next, Zouk and Saffron go to the beayty section. Zouk tries all the perfumes;
Rotten  (pourri) cabbage, snail slime, Radish roots, Maggot  (asticot =ver)  droppings  and Toad's pee.
She sprays herself. Yuck all the smells get mixed together!

Zouk and Saffron move on to the shoe department.
Zouk tries on a pair of trainers  ( chaussure de sport) with flashing lights.
Then she  tries on a pair of ankle boots made of fake  (imité  = faux) snakeskin.

Zouk asks to see lots of other shoes. The sales woman is  exhausted  and
Saffron has had enough. "Decide, Zouk, or I'm leaving!"
Zouk says, "But I want Blinglings with springs like my cousin!"
of course there aren't any left.

Zouk tries on lots of clothes too. But the trousers are too long,
the dresses are all ugly and the wands are no fun.
"This shop is no good, Mum,"  says Zouk. " They  don't have anything nice!"

Saffron has really had enough now. " Lets go home, Zouk. Shopping with you is
 a nightmare (cauchemar)!" Zouk is over the moon. " Mum, I promise not to be so fussy ever again... until the next time!"

nightmare =  un cauchemar

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