mardi 18 juin 2013

Rog the dragon goes to school n° 166 p.3

Rog the dragon came to school
on the first day of term. Hewas very shy.

The other children stared at him.
Julian said, "He's ugly !"
anne asked, "Why is he all green ?"
Mario held his nose.
" Pooh ! He smells of butned rice ! "
The little dragon looked down and
said, "Grrumm grrumpf ..."
The chidren laughed.
"He doesn't even speak like us !
"Don't be mean ! said the teacher.
"Rog comes from far away,
from the other side of the mountain."

At first, the chidren weren't sure about Rog.
He breathed smoke out of his nose and
his claws scratched the floor.

But Rog did  wonderful  drawings
with lots of red.
On cold days, he breathed little flames
so they could all warm their hands.
He even started speaking more like the others.
When he left, he said, "Grrroodbye !"
Soon, the children got used to Learning and
playing with the little dragon.

Then one morning, the teacher said, "Children,
we're going on a class trip.
Guess where? To the other side of the mountain !
Leo asked, "To the land of dragons where Rog lives ?"
"Exactly !" said the teacher.
"Hooray !" shouted all the chilren.
Rog was so proud and happy
that he went red, like glowing embers.

So off they went to the other side of the mountain...
Rog's mum, dad and grandma
caaied the teacher and the chidren
Little Rog flew nearby,
swooping up and down to make his friends laugh.

In Rog's country, the children visited deep, dark caves.
They climbed to the top of a high volcano.
They sailed on a lake of fire in boats made of dragon scales.
Leah  whispered in Rog's ear, "Guess what ?
I'mgoing to put lots of  red in my drawing, like you !"

A month later, a new girl joined the class.
Mario was surprised. "But... she has no legs !"
Lucy asked,  "Why is her hair green ?"
Julian and leah held their noses.
"Pooh ! She smells of fish and chips!"
The little  mermaid looked down and
whispered  "Shhhh frrrr..."
The Children burst out laughing.
"She dosen't even talk like us !"
"Don't be mean !" said the teacher.
"Sissi comes from far away, from the bottom of the ocean."

At first, the children didn't go
near the little mermaid.
Her skin was always a bit damp and they were worried about tripping over her tail.
But she did wondredful paintings
with lots of blue.
When it rained in the playground,
she sang beautifully.
She began to speak too.
When she got to school, she said, "Shhhhello!"
When she left, she said , Ffffarewell!"
Soon, the children got used to Learning and playing with Sissi.

One  morning, the teacher said,   "Children, we're going on a class trip.
Guess where ?  To..."
She didn't have time to finish.
Mario shouted out, "To the bottom of the ocean ?"
Grace added,  "To the world of mermaids where Sissi lives ?"
"Ewactly !" said the teacher.

Then all the children cried, "Yippeee!"
Sissi was so proud and happy
that she went all pink, like a shell.

The teacher and the children got into a submarine,
a kind of ship that  takes you underwater.
They looked through the Windows and
saw the place where Sissi and her parents lived.
Sissi showed them a coral reef and
some beautiful fish.

Mario decided that now on,
he would put lots blue in his paintings,
like Sissi.

A month later, a new boy arrived at the school.
He had grey skin and two little antennae.
He shook his square head  and
said,   " Grrriik tictictic ching !"
The children were amazed.

The teacher said, "This is R12-25 !
He comes from far away,
from planet Miga. "
Rog and Sissi each took
one of R12-25's strange hands and
showed him where the classroom was.

R12-25 said, " Crriik
toctoctoc ping !"

The other children
walked behind him, giggling.
Anna whispered  to Gabriel, "Cool!
Our nest trip will be to planet  Miga !

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