mardi 25 juin 2013

What is a year ? n° 170 p.25

What is a year ?

Maybe a year is when we say "Happy new year" ?
Lét's go and see what the answer could be...

1. We live on a planet called Earth.
We may not  feel it but Earth is constantly turning around the Sun.
It takes the Earth one year to travel all the way around the Sun.

2. A year is 365 days because the Earth takes
365 days to go all the way around the Sun.

3.  Follow the Earth's year-long journey with your finger. The year starts on the 1st day of January. Now it is February, the second month of the year. Next it will be March, then April and so on, until the end of the year on the 31st  of December;

Count how many months there are in a year.

Now I understand, a year is the time it takes the earth to travel around the sun

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