jeudi 27 juin 2013

Outdoor games N° 163 p.52


hopscotch  ==>marelle

I throw a stone and
then hop over to pick it up.
One, two, three...
It is hopscotch


playing tag ==> le jeu du chat et de la souris

to play tag ==> jouer au chat et à la souris


play tag  hide and seek, hopscotch,   skip rope

Jouez au chat et à la souris, cache-cache,  à la marelle ou sautez à la corde.

She is going to get me !
I run away as fast as I can
so she cannot catch me.
We are playing tag


climbing frame  ==>

I like to climb up and
then hang upside down
swinging my legs on
the climbing frame


skipping rope ==> sauter à la corde

Jump, jump, jump...
Swish goes the rope    (===>  murmure , bruissement)
as it hits the ground.
I love skipping

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