samedi 15 juin 2013

Whey do we get a fever ? n° 166 p.25

Maybe a fever shows that we are sick ?

What is it all about ?
Let's go and find out...

Waw !
Arthur has a temperature of 38.5C.

Arthur's body is very hot.
He has a temperature or fever.
His brain made his body heat up
 to fight germs.

1.Germs have got into Arthur's body.
They are attacling him and will make
him ill! Fortunately, he has an army  of
while blood cells that can kill the germs !

2. But the while blood cells do not
manage to kill all the horrible germs
immediately. They ask the brain for help.

3. Arthur's brain tells
his body to heat up to help
the while blood cells.
His body temperature goes up.
He gets a fever.

4.Germs do not like the heat. it tires
them out! But while blood cells like
heat. There are more of them now
and they can fight the germs and
the illnesses caused by the germs.

Now I understand:
a fever helps us to fight germs and defend ourselves against illnesses.

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