mardi 11 juin 2013

Why do wasps sting us somtimes n°165 p. 26

Maybe wasp sting us when we annoy them!

Maybe they do not want us to take their honey ?

really? But honey is made by bees, not wasp!

Let's go and see what the answer could be...

1. Wasp usually come
near us if they are
attracted by something
we are eating, such as
melon or other sweet
fruit, sausages or

2. If we try to swat them                                          
or crush them, they may
defend themselves by
stinging us!

3. Even if we do not
hurt wasps, we often
move around and
wave our arms
because we are
afraid of them.
All this movement
scares the wasps.
If they think we are
dangerous, they will stinging!

4. If wasp comes near
you. stay calm and stand
as still as a statue!
you can also hide
your food or move it
away from you

I understand :
when there is a wasp around,
stay calm and still
and it will not
sting you !

wasp== guêpe

sting(insect, nettle, scorpion)==> piquer, brûler, arnaquer

crush  ==> écraser,  se serrer, s'écraser,

lemon crush == citron pressé


What is soft like sponge and has sugary coat ?

This  sweet  dessert  just slips  down your  throat

slip down = glisser,  se glisser

sponge == éponge

sugary  ==   sucré   mielleux

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