mercredi 19 juin 2013

School lessons match each picture n°.166 p.52

Splish splash
goes the paint brush .
Scritch, scratch
goes the crayon.  ==>( coloured pencil )
Snip, snip go the scissors
inthe __art____ class.

Plink plink, plonk...
Ba da boom...  ==> ( ba da boom ==> Roulement de tambour)
Shakka  shakka...
Ting a ling, a ling  ==>( ting-a-ling == the sound of a small bell)
What a tune !
It's _music__ time.

A, B, C,...
Let's write letters,
spell words and
sound out sentences.
It's time to __read__
and __write__

One, two, three...
Let's count to ten.
Then add two and
take away four.  (take away   ==> retirer ,  maths = soustraire  )
Let's do

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