mardi 25 juin 2013

Emperor penguins n° 170 p.30

Wheredo they live?
On the ice in Antarctica (where the South Pole is).

What do they eat?
Fish, squid...

How big are they?
About as tall as a 6-year-old child


These male emperor penguins stand on the ice all day long without moving. But it looks like they are hiding something on their feet. What could it be?

It is an egg ! Father emperor penguins keep their egg on their feet, to protect it from the cold. But... where are the mother penguins?

The eggs have hatched and the chicks bave come out of their shell.
They stay close to their father or snuggled up against him.
Each father feeds his chick a special food that he makes in his throat.

Oh, here come the mother penguins ! They are back at last.
They left two months ago after laying their eggs and went to the sea to eat fish.
The sea is  more than a 100 kilometres away !

The fathers have not had anything to eat for two months and they are very hungry !
So now it is the mothers'turn to look after the chicks.
The fathers waddle off towards the sea

After many days of walking , the father penguins reach the ocean.
Their wings are too small to fly but they are very good swimmers.
Splish! Splash! All the penguins dive into the water!

The father penguins spend several days hunting and eating fish.
When they have eaten enough and have become fat enough,
they go back to their families to feed their chicks.


snuggle  =  se blottir

waddle  =  se dandiner

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