jeudi 27 juin 2013
Red Squirrels N°163 P.32
Grown-up ==> adulte
Red squirrels
Red squirrels live in trees.
They aregreat accrobats.
Where do they live?
in forests and woods
in Europe and Asia.
What do they eat?
Walnuts, hazelnuts, ==> (Walnut ==> noix, hazelnut ==>noisette, bud ==>bourgeon)
buds and insects...
How big are they?
Without their tail,
they are a bit bigger
than a grown-up's hand.
All through the summer, red squirrels store food for the winter.
This one has found a hazeknut.
It clings the branch with its long claws so that it does not fall.
cling ==> s'accrocher, coller
claw ==>griffe, serre
The squirrel comes down from the tree to hide the hazelnut in the ground.
It has already buried lots of them but has a problem
remembering where they all are !
Suddenly it hears the sound of rustling leaves, Look out !
( rustl rustle ==>produire un froissement un bruissement)
It's a cat ! The squirrel scampers up the trunk of the nearest tree.
But the cat follows...
scamper ==> trottiner, gambader, galoper)
The squirrel scurries to the tip of a high branch. scurry ==>se précipiter
The cat is right behind it!
The squirrel knows there is only one thing it can do...
Hop ! the squirrel jumps.
It stretches out it's legs and aims for the next tree.
The cat cannot follow.
The squirrel is out of breath nut safe.
It goes to its nest where it can recover from the shock
on a soft bed of grass and moss phew !
phew! ==> ouf , berk, beurk
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