samedi 1 juin 2013

Why do we need trees? n°173 p.23

Why do we need trees?

Trees are useful !!

Trees are like big buildings
Where lots of animals live.
This squirrel is hiding
a hazelnut in a hole
in a branch.

A bit lower down, a mother bird is
feeding her babies. They are all
cosy in their nest. The branches
shelter them from the Wind and
the rain !

Butterflies rest  on
the tree trunk. Other
tiny insects lay their
eggs in the bark.But
you have to get realty
close to see them !

Leaves that fall off the trees in
winter slowly rot and mix in
with the soil. They provide food
for grass and other plants.

This little boy is having
a nap in the shade of the tree.
It is cooler there !

The leaves on the trees
help to clean the air that
we breathe.

An insect and
a Caterpillar are
nibbling a leaf !

A  woodcutter has cut down
a tree. The wood can be
used to make furniture,
build houses or make

Wood is cut up
in this factory
ready to be

A lorry carries
the wood  away.

Trees  have  roots  underground.
When it rains, the roots hold
the soil in place and stop it
from being washed away.

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