samedi 15 juin 2013

Green sea turtles n° 165 p.32

seaweed  ==> algues

octopus  ===> pieuvre

to mate  ==>  accoupler, s'acoupler

hatch    ===> faire éclore

fat ===> matière grasse

Green sea turtles are actually ... Brown !
They live in the deep blue  sea !

Where do they live ?
In warm waters in all océans.

Where do they eat ?
Seaweed, squid and octopus...

How big are they
About as long as a 6-year-old child.

These turtles have swum across the ocean to get back.
to the beach where they were born.  The male and female mate to make babies.

A few days later, the female turtle watches the beach.

She cannot spot any danger so she gets out of the water.

The female pulls herself up onto the beach.
She digs a hole in the sand with her back legs.
But it is hard for her. She is clumsy on land.

The turtle lays about one hundred eggs in the hole.
The eggs are round and about the size of a ping-pong ball.
She covers them with sand and goes back to the sea.

Tow months later, the sand begins to move !
The baby turtles hatch out of thier eggs and race to the sea.
They have to hurry as there are crabs and birds waitng to gobble them up !

This little baby turtle has escaped the danger !  She swim out to sea.
If she can keep away from large fish. she will come back in a few years' time to lay her eggs on this beach.


They are called green sea turtles because  their fat is green.

The biggest  green sea turtles weigh 300 kilograms.

which is like four dads !

When baby turtles are born.
they already know how to survive in the sea.

Green sea turtle  can stay under water for three hours without breathing.

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