lundi 3 juin 2013

Autumn's here ! N°167 P. 52

1) In autumn
the weather  gets colder.
The trees get ready
for winter and
their leaves...fall off.

2) These nuts drop
from the treesin autumn.
They are a warm, lovely
Brown colour and all shiny.
They are---chestnuts

chestnuts ==>marron
sweet chestnut ==> châtaigne

3)These funny little things
grow in autumn.
Some are tasty and
some are dangerous to eat.
They are ...mushrooms.

mushrooms  ==>champignon

4) This fruit is
ready to harvest in autumn.
It can be hollowed out and
carved into a jack o'lantern.
It is a ....pumpkin

harvest  ==> moison, récolt,  vendange

carve ==> tailler, découper
hollow out ==> creuser, vider

Jack O’Lantern (aussi connu sous le nom de Stingy Jack, ou de Jack the Smith), est un personnage issu des contes irlandais. L’histoire raconte qu’il s’agirait d’un être condamné à errer à jamais entre le monde des morts et des le monde des vivants

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