jeudi 27 juin 2013

How are mountains made N°168 P.25

How are mountains made

all the snow that falls
makes huge heaps that
turn into mountains

*)  heap  ==> (noun) un tas, un amas, une masse
                        (verbe) entasser,  empiler

Let's go and see what
 the answer could be

So,  where do
mountains come
from ?

1)  The centre of the Earth is
made of a very hot liquid called
magma. Floating on top of this
magma is a thick layer of rock
called the Earth's crust. It covers
the whole of the Earth surface.


But how are
made ?

2) The Earth crust makes
mountains. The crust is made
of several pieces called plates
that move very slowly.

What happens
when the Earth's
crust moves ?

3) Sometimes,    two plates in
the Earth's crust crash into each 
other. The crust folds and pushes
upwards. After millions of years,
huge bumps form. These are

*bump   ==> bosse, choc, coup


Now I understand.
when plates in
the Earth's crust
crash into each other,
they form bumps that
we call mountains !

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