vendredi 28 juin 2013
Je prends de tes nouvelles
How are you?
Very well, thank you
On peut aussi dire : I'm fine. I'm OK.
Are you all right? ===> Tu vas bien ?
I'm not well. =====> Je ne vais pas bien.
I'm tired. ======> Je suis fatigué.
L'endroit où j'habite
I live in London. I'm English.
J'habite à Londres. Je suis anglais.
I live in Quebec. I'm Canadien.
J'habite au Québec . Je suis canadien.
On peut aussi dire :
I come from Africa, Belguim, France, Quebec, Switzerland
Je viens d'Afrique, de Belgique, de France, du Québec, de Suisse,
I'm Algerian, Belgian, French, Moroccan, Swiss, Tunisian.
Je suis algérien, belge, français, marocain, suisse, tunisien.
J'habite à Londres. Je suis anglais.
I live in Quebec. I'm Canadien.
J'habite au Québec . Je suis canadien.
On peut aussi dire :
I come from Africa, Belguim, France, Quebec, Switzerland
Je viens d'Afrique, de Belgique, de France, du Québec, de Suisse,
I'm Algerian, Belgian, French, Moroccan, Swiss, Tunisian.
Je suis algérien, belge, français, marocain, suisse, tunisien.
jeudi 27 juin 2013
bonjour et au revoir
Good morning !
Good bye.Have a nice day ! ===> bonjour Au revoir, bonne journée !
Good evening !
Good night ! Sleep well ===> bonsoir ! Bonne nuit ! Dors bien.
see you ! A bientôt !
See you tomorrow !
See you sunday ! A dimanche !
Forest animals N° 168 P.52
Forest animals
I am a prickly mammal ( ==> épineux , couvert de piquants )
and I curl up in a ball ( ==> friser, boucler, enrouler)
when I'm scared.
I snuffle around ( ==> renifler )
at night
answer :hedgehog
I hunt small mammals and
eat fruit and berries too.
I dig a den in the ground
to share withmy familly
answer : fox
I fly at night,
huntig for mice and
other little animals
to eat.
answer : owl
I eat leaves, fruit, nuts
and grass too.
I have huge antlers ==> corne
on my head that fall off and
grow again every year
answer : deer (==> le cerf , une biche )
Rhyme Autumn N° 168 P. 40
Autumn is a dancing breeze,
a fall of leaves from forest trees.
Autumn is a song of gold
that comes before the winter cold.
Autumn is a whispering breeze
that murmurs secrets through the trees.
**whispering = murmurer, chuchoter, parler à voix basse
Judith Nicholls
Zouk makes magic potions N° 168 P. 35
IN the big, big city, Zouk is Learning how to make magic potions
with her mum, Saffron.
"We will start with a potion that makes you strong," says Saffron,
"First, take a pot and put in three red hairs, two crocodile tears,
some snail slim and an old shoe."
"Cook it on a low heat, stirrng all the time,
and say the magic spell,"
says : Make me muscly, make me strong.
Stir the pot.
It can't go wrong !
Zouk says, "Can I taste it ?"
Saffron says, "Yes, but only a small spoonful ! Too much is dangerous."
" Yuck ! It tastes horrible! " says Zouk, She beings to feel a tinling in her tummy
that rurns into a tickle. hen zouk starts to feel strong...T
She is so strong that when she lifts the pot, it feels as light as a Feather !
But Zouk wants more potion.
When her mum is not looking,
she swallows another spoonful and...
POW ! She shoots through the roof !
She lifts a lorry
She jumps higher than
the tallest skyscraper...
She lifts the biggest statue in the big,
big city .Everyone is scared but then...
... Saffron, the cleverest witch on Earth, arrives and casts a spell...
Stop right there and listen to me!
Everything back
as it should be !
Zouk gets a bit of a telling off
but then she is forgiven.
She promises never to do it again...
until next time!
tell off ==> gronder, réprimande
Coyotes N°168 P.30
Coyotes live on the prairies, in the mountains or
in forests North America.
This one is lying in wait by a river.
What has it spotted ?
Were do they live ?
In North America.
What do they eat ?
Small animals, dead
animals they find,
fruit... They are
amnivores so they eat
most things
Hpw big are they ?
The size of
a big dog
Look ! It is a Young raccoon !
The coyote darts out, leaps at the raccoon and
catch it as it tries to escape.
raccoon ==> raton laveur
leap ==> bondir sauter
dart ==> lancer, sauter
The coyote kills the raccoon with its teeth.
It has also picked up a scent that it knows well...
There is a wolf nearby !
scent ==> parfum, odeur
The wolf wants to steal the coyote's meal
It is bigger and stronger but the coyote is faster,
even with its prey in its mouth !
The coyote has left the wolf behind.
It is out of breath. But why is it not eating the raccoon?
Where is it taking its prey ?
The coyote has gone back to its den, a hole dug out under a rock...
and what is that Inside ?
There is a yelping sound...
dug out ==> déterrer
It is the coyote's babies and their mother !
The coyote has brought food for his hungry family
Now it is the mother's turn to go off hunting.
How are mountains made N°168 P.25
How are mountains made
all the snow that falls
makes huge heaps that
turn into mountains
*) heap ==> (noun) un tas, un amas, une masse
(verbe) entasser, empiler
Let's go and see what
the answer could be
So, where do
mountains come
from ?
1) The centre of the Earth is
made of a very hot liquid called
magma. Floating on top of this
magma is a thick layer of rock
called the Earth's crust. It covers
the whole of the Earth surface.
But how are
made ?
2) The Earth crust makes
mountains. The crust is made
of several pieces called plates
that move very slowly.
What happens
when the Earth's
crust moves ?
3) Sometimes, two plates in
the Earth's crust crash into each
other. The crust folds and pushes
upwards. After millions of years,
huge bumps form. These are
*bump ==> bosse, choc, coup
Now I understand.
when plates in
the Earth's crust
crash into each other,
they form bumps that
we call mountains !
Will little fox ever learn ? N°168 P 3
Fenton Fox often said ti his son, Little fox, " My boy,
when you're big, you will be a chiken thief like me,
like my father befor me, and his father before him..."
One day, Fenton decided to give his son
his first lesson in stealing chikens.
Fenton had spotted
Some plump, tasty looking hens. ( plump = dodu, bien gras charnu)
He explained to Little Fox, " Take three steps
to the right, then four sreps to the left and
there you are, at the hen house, "Got it ?"
"Got it !" said Little Fox.
He repeated, "Three steps to the right,
four steps to the left and there I am !"
But Little Fox was very nervous.
As he got near the hen house he said
in a quiet voice, " three steps to the right,
four steps to the left...Er...No...
Three steps to the left, four steps to the right...
This must be !"
Little Fox was about to dive in but...
Oh dear ! It wasn't the hen house at all.
It was Buster's Kennel !
The fierce farm dog barked and ( bark ==> aboyer )
leaped at Little Fox.--------------------------------------------- ( leap ==>bondir, sauter, jaillir )
Little Fox ran off as fast as he could.
When Fenton saw what happened ,
he yelped, "you clumsy fox cub ! ( clumsy ==> maladroit, malhabile, gauche )
Will you ever learn ?"
Poor Little Fox was sad.
He didn't like to disappoint his father.
The next day,
Fenton Fox had a plan-that-could-not-go-wrong !
He said to Little Fox, "Stand by the old tree
Where the chicken alxays come pecking.
When one of them gets near...
Snap ! ou grab it ! Get it ?"
" Snap ! Get it ! " said Little Fox.
Little Fox went and stood
behind the old tree and
when a chiken came by ...
Snap ! He Grabbed it ! ===>(Snap !==> Tien !)
But the chiken said, " wait,
I'm too small to feed you and
your dad. Let me go and
I'll come back with my big sister. "
"Okay !" said Little Fox.
It was getting dark
when Fenton came to get Little Fox.
But...But... Why are you still waiting ?"
Little Fox said, "I'm waiting for a chiken
who promissed to come backwith her sister.
Fenton Fox shouted, "You silly billy !" --------( billy ==> goat ==> bouc)
Little Fox sighed, I hate being a chiken thief..."
------------------------------------ sigh ==>soupir, se lamenter,
One morning,Fenton Fox opened his window and
cried, " A circus ! Brilliant !
Little Fox come here and I'll tell you about
my new plan-that-can't-go-wrong.
See that big chiken over there?
It's called an ostrich.
We'll go to the circus this evening and
when the ostrich comes into the ring
to do its act, I'll make a signal.
At the signal...Pounce ! Got it !" ====>( Pounce ==> bondir, sauter)
"Bounce !" sais Little Fox. "No...
Er... Pounce ! Got it !
He thought, " This time,
Dad will be proud of me ! "
That evening, Little Fox and his dad
slipped into the circus tent with the spectators,
As they waited for the ostrich,
Little Fox watched the animals doing thier acts,
Three monkeys jumped through a fire hoop.
A zebra rode a unicycle.
A lion juggled with a parrot on a trapeze. ====(juggled ==> jongler avec)
Little Fox was enjoying it so much that
when the ostrich came on and
his dad made the signal,
he didn't even notice !
P.18 & 19
Suddenly, Ther was lots of shouting.
Parrot : " help ! they'r trying to kill me ! "
It was the ostrich trying to get away from Fenton Fox !
The circus owner : stop them !
But Enzo Tremolo, the circus owner, shouted louder.
The lion threw balls at him to try and make him fall off.
But Little Fox caught the balls and started juggling
Feton Fox : Little Fox, quick!
Fenton yelled and Little Fox rushed towards his dad.
Every chased after Little Fox who jumpednon the unicycle.
The audience : Hurray ! Well done !
The monkeys tried to stop him with their fire hoops. But
Little Fox jumped through them. The audience was thrilled ! ==> frissoner, éléctriser
P. 20
That's how Enzo Tremolo, the circus owner,
decided to give Little Fox a job.
After that, Little Fox trained every day.
He learned to walk a tightrope,
do somersaults and juggle with fire hoope.
Little Fox thought, "I love
working in the circus !"
P. 22
Little Fox become the one, the only,
the fabulous Little Fox !
Fenton sometimes, when the moon shone at night,
he thought about Little Fox
doing his circus act.
Fenton picked up a few pine cones and
tried to juggle like his son.
But each time, Fenton dropped the cones.
He said, "My son, Little Fox, is really very clever !" and
his eyes shone proudly in the moonlight.
Fenton Fox often said ti his son, Little fox, " My boy,
when you're big, you will be a chiken thief like me,
like my father befor me, and his father before him..."
One day, Fenton decided to give his son
his first lesson in stealing chikens.
Fenton had spotted
Some plump, tasty looking hens. ( plump = dodu, bien gras charnu)
He explained to Little Fox, " Take three steps
to the right, then four sreps to the left and
there you are, at the hen house, "Got it ?"
"Got it !" said Little Fox.
He repeated, "Three steps to the right,
four steps to the left and there I am !"
But Little Fox was very nervous.
As he got near the hen house he said
in a quiet voice, " three steps to the right,
four steps to the left...Er...No...
Three steps to the left, four steps to the right...
This must be !"
Little Fox was about to dive in but...
Oh dear ! It wasn't the hen house at all.
It was Buster's Kennel !
The fierce farm dog barked and ( bark ==> aboyer )
leaped at Little Fox.--------------------------------------------- ( leap ==>bondir, sauter, jaillir )
Little Fox ran off as fast as he could.
When Fenton saw what happened ,
he yelped, "you clumsy fox cub ! ( clumsy ==> maladroit, malhabile, gauche )
Will you ever learn ?"
Poor Little Fox was sad.
He didn't like to disappoint his father.
The next day,
Fenton Fox had a plan-that-could-not-go-wrong !
He said to Little Fox, "Stand by the old tree
Where the chicken alxays come pecking.
When one of them gets near...
Snap ! ou grab it ! Get it ?"
" Snap ! Get it ! " said Little Fox.
Little Fox went and stood
behind the old tree and
when a chiken came by ...
Snap ! He Grabbed it ! ===>(Snap !==> Tien !)
But the chiken said, " wait,
I'm too small to feed you and
your dad. Let me go and
I'll come back with my big sister. "
"Okay !" said Little Fox.
It was getting dark
when Fenton came to get Little Fox.
But...But... Why are you still waiting ?"
Little Fox said, "I'm waiting for a chiken
who promissed to come backwith her sister.
Fenton Fox shouted, "You silly billy !" --------( billy ==> goat ==> bouc)
Little Fox sighed, I hate being a chiken thief..."
------------------------------------ sigh ==>soupir, se lamenter,
One morning,Fenton Fox opened his window and
cried, " A circus ! Brilliant !
Little Fox come here and I'll tell you about
my new plan-that-can't-go-wrong.
See that big chiken over there?
It's called an ostrich.
We'll go to the circus this evening and
when the ostrich comes into the ring
to do its act, I'll make a signal.
At the signal...Pounce ! Got it !" ====>( Pounce ==> bondir, sauter)
"Bounce !" sais Little Fox. "No...
Er... Pounce ! Got it !
He thought, " This time,
Dad will be proud of me ! "
That evening, Little Fox and his dad
slipped into the circus tent with the spectators,
As they waited for the ostrich,
Little Fox watched the animals doing thier acts,
Three monkeys jumped through a fire hoop.
A zebra rode a unicycle.
A lion juggled with a parrot on a trapeze. ====(juggled ==> jongler avec)
Little Fox was enjoying it so much that
when the ostrich came on and
his dad made the signal,
he didn't even notice !
P.18 & 19
Suddenly, Ther was lots of shouting.
Parrot : " help ! they'r trying to kill me ! "
It was the ostrich trying to get away from Fenton Fox !
The circus owner : stop them !
But Enzo Tremolo, the circus owner, shouted louder.
The lion threw balls at him to try and make him fall off.
But Little Fox caught the balls and started juggling
Feton Fox : Little Fox, quick!
Fenton yelled and Little Fox rushed towards his dad.
Every chased after Little Fox who jumpednon the unicycle.
The audience : Hurray ! Well done !
The monkeys tried to stop him with their fire hoops. But
Little Fox jumped through them. The audience was thrilled ! ==> frissoner, éléctriser
P. 20
That's how Enzo Tremolo, the circus owner,
decided to give Little Fox a job.
After that, Little Fox trained every day.
He learned to walk a tightrope,
do somersaults and juggle with fire hoope.
Little Fox thought, "I love
working in the circus !"
P. 22
Little Fox become the one, the only,
the fabulous Little Fox !
Fenton sometimes, when the moon shone at night,
he thought about Little Fox
doing his circus act.
Fenton picked up a few pine cones and
tried to juggle like his son.
But each time, Fenton dropped the cones.
He said, "My son, Little Fox, is really very clever !" and
his eyes shone proudly in the moonlight.
amaze = stupéfier -------------- to bet = parier
amaze == stupéfier
to bet == parier
pigg bank = tirelire cochon
peek == coup d'oeil
nibble == grignoter
to bet == parier
pigg bank = tirelire cochon
peek == coup d'oeil
nibble == grignoter
work out
work out ( solve - calculation, problem) ===> résoudre
(answer, total) ===> trouver
puzzle ===> faire, résoudre
(-code) ===> déchiffrer
What is Tom Thumb telling his brothers?
Use the code on the next page to work it out.
Thumb = un pouce
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
intransitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
(answer, total) ===> trouver
puzzle ===> faire, résoudre
(-code) ===> déchiffrer
What is Tom Thumb telling his brothers?
Use the code on the next page to work it out.
Thumb = un pouce
work out
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. | [discharge fully] acquitter en travaillant to work out one's notice faire son préavis |
2. | [solve - calculation, problem] Conjugaison résoudre [ - answer, total] Conjugaison trouver [ - puzzle] Conjugaison faire, Conjugaison résoudre [ - code] Conjugaison déchiffrer things will work themselves out les choses s'arrangeront toutes seules or d'elles-mêmes |
3. | [formulate - idea, plan] Conjugaison élaborer, Conjugaison combiner [ - agreement, details] mettre au point have you worked out yet when it's due to start? est-ce que tu sais quand ça doit commencer? she had it all worked out elle avait tout planifié |
5. | [mine, well] Conjugaison épuiser |
work out
intransitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
1. | [happen] Conjugaison se passer the trip worked out as planned le voyage s'est déroulé comme prévu it all worked out for the best tout a fini par s'arranger pour le mieux |
2. | [have a good result - job, plan] Conjugaison réussir [ - problem, puzzle] Conjugaison se résoudre she worked out fine as personnel director elle s'est bien débrouillée comme directeur du personnel did the new job work out? ça a marché pour le nouveau boulot? it didn't work out between them les choses ont plutôt mal tourné entre eux |
4. | [exercise] faire de l'exercice [professional athlete] Conjugaison s'entraîner |
Outdoor games N° 163 p.52
hopscotch ==>marelle
I throw a stone and
then hop over to pick it up.
One, two, three...
It is hopscotch
playing tag ==> le jeu du chat et de la souris
to play tag ==> jouer au chat et à la souris
play tag hide and seek, hopscotch, skip rope
Jouez au chat et à la souris, cache-cache, à la marelle ou sautez à la corde.
She is going to get me !
I run away as fast as I can
so she cannot catch me.
We are playing tag
climbing frame ==>
I like to climb up and
then hang upside down
swinging my legs on
the climbing frame
skipping rope ==> sauter à la corde
Jump, jump, jump...
Swish goes the rope (===> murmure , bruissement)
as it hits the ground.
I love skipping
Rhime Jack and Jill N°163 P. 44
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and brike his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
fetch ==> aller chercher
Pail ==> un seau
trumble==> faire une chute
Up Jack got and home did trot
As fast as he could caper.
He went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and Brown paper.
trot ==> trot, promenade à cheval
caper = gambafer
vinegar = vinaigre
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came the spider
Who sat down beside her...
And frightened
Miss Muffet Away !
Curds ==>
اگر توی شیر اب لیمو یا سرکه بریزیم وان را بجوشانیم شیر ذر اصطلاح میترشد و به پنیر تبدیل می شودبخش سفت شده(curds) را
و بخش ابکی را (whey) می گویند
Amazing but true... N° 163 P.37
Amazing but true
There are more than 200 squirrel species in the world !
The biggest is the size of a cat !
Red suirrels can jump 3 metres.
But flying suirrels can glide
a distance of 50 metres which
is the length of four buses !
In some places, special rope bridges are put up between trees
to help red squirrels get acrass busy roads and railways.
Red Squirrels N°163 P.32
Grown-up ==> adulte
Red squirrels
Red squirrels live in trees.
They aregreat accrobats.
Where do they live?
in forests and woods
in Europe and Asia.
What do they eat?
Walnuts, hazelnuts, ==> (Walnut ==> noix, hazelnut ==>noisette, bud ==>bourgeon)
buds and insects...
How big are they?
Without their tail,
they are a bit bigger
than a grown-up's hand.
All through the summer, red squirrels store food for the winter.
This one has found a hazeknut.
It clings the branch with its long claws so that it does not fall.
cling ==> s'accrocher, coller
claw ==>griffe, serre
The squirrel comes down from the tree to hide the hazelnut in the ground.
It has already buried lots of them but has a problem
remembering where they all are !
Suddenly it hears the sound of rustling leaves, Look out !
( rustl rustle ==>produire un froissement un bruissement)
It's a cat ! The squirrel scampers up the trunk of the nearest tree.
But the cat follows...
scamper ==> trottiner, gambader, galoper)
The squirrel scurries to the tip of a high branch. scurry ==>se précipiter
The cat is right behind it!
The squirrel knows there is only one thing it can do...
Hop ! the squirrel jumps.
It stretches out it's legs and aims for the next tree.
The cat cannot follow.
The squirrel is out of breath nut safe.
It goes to its nest where it can recover from the shock
on a soft bed of grass and moss phew !
phew! ==> ouf , berk, beurk
SamSam A brother for SamSam N° 163 P30
SamSam A brother for SamSam
SamSam feels bad...
He may be a cosmic hero and have fantastic
... and really good friend...
...but he would love to have a brother !
A brother to have fun with...
... a brother to squabble with... squabble ==> se disputer , se quereller
... a brother to be naughty with... naughty = méchant, désobéissant, vilain
... and to get told off with.
A brother to share secrets with...
SamSam says :
But there is only me.
I don't ave a brother !
So SamSam imagines what his brother
would be like. It is a lovely dream !
Why do fingers go wrinkly in the bath N° 163 p.27
wrinkly == ( ==> (skin) ==> ridé
swell up ==> gonfler
wrinkle == ride
Why do fingers go wrinkly in the bath
fingers go wrinkly because
water gets Inside
out skin ?
the hot water makes
out fingers wrinkly ?
Let's goand see
what the answer
could be...
1) If you leave your hands in water
for a longe time, like when you are
in the bath, water gets into
the skin on your fingers.
2) When the water gets into the skin
on your fingers, it makes the skin
swell up.
3)When the skin on your fingers
swells, it changes shape and
forms wrinkles.
4) The water that wasin your skin disappears
when your hands are out of the water.
Slowly your skin goes back
to being smooth.
Now I understand!
when you stay in the bath
a long time, water gets
into the skin on your
fingers. The skin swells up
and wrinkles. After
your bath, your fingers dry
and your skin is smooth
swell up ==> gonfler
wrinkle == ride
Why do fingers go wrinkly in the bath
fingers go wrinkly because
water gets Inside
out skin ?
the hot water makes
out fingers wrinkly ?
Let's goand see
what the answer
could be...
1) If you leave your hands in water
for a longe time, like when you are
in the bath, water gets into
the skin on your fingers.
2) When the water gets into the skin
on your fingers, it makes the skin
swell up.
3)When the skin on your fingers
swells, it changes shape and
forms wrinkles.
4) The water that wasin your skin disappears
when your hands are out of the water.
Slowly your skin goes back
to being smooth.
Now I understand!
when you stay in the bath
a long time, water gets
into the skin on your
fingers. The skin swells up
and wrinkles. After
your bath, your fingers dry
and your skin is smooth
mercredi 26 juin 2013
Mine is the roar
that fills the air,
I am king of all creatures
Everywhere !
Do as I say,
come when I call.
My roar is to tell you
I'm king of you all !
to roar = (lion) rugir
(bull = taureau) = beugler, mugir
(elephan) = barrir
(person) = hurler, crier
(sea, wind ) = mugir
(storm, thunder ) = gronder
(fire) = ronfler
(cannon ) = tonner
Mine is the roar
that fills the air,
I am king of all creatures
Everywhere !
Do as I say,
come when I call.
My roar is to tell you
I'm king of you all !
to roar = (lion) rugir
(bull = taureau) = beugler, mugir
(elephan) = barrir
(person) = hurler, crier
(sea, wind ) = mugir
(storm, thunder ) = gronder
(fire) = ronfler
(cannon ) = tonner
mardi 25 juin 2013
Bears Match each n°.170 - p. 52
I am the biggest bear !
I live in the Arctic,
where it is all frozen ice, and
my coat helps me to hide.
I am a sweet, little bear,
all soft and gentle.
I can be a good friend and
love being cosy in bed.
I am a shy bear and
I eat only bamboo.
I spend so much time eating
that I do not move much !
I am a big bear too and
I live all over the world.
I eat everything, from fish
to my favourite, honey.
bear, bore, borne apporter suporter
bear = ours, ourse
gentle = doux, agréableb léger
cosy = douillet, confortable
shy == (person -timid)timide,
(-ill at ease) = gêné, mal à l'aise,
(-unsociable) = sauvage
Emperor penguins n° 170 p.30
Wheredo they live?
On the ice in Antarctica (where the South Pole is).
What do they eat?
Fish, squid...
How big are they?
About as tall as a 6-year-old child
These male emperor penguins stand on the ice all day long without moving. But it looks like they are hiding something on their feet. What could it be?
It is an egg ! Father emperor penguins keep their egg on their feet, to protect it from the cold. But... where are the mother penguins?
The eggs have hatched and the chicks bave come out of their shell.
They stay close to their father or snuggled up against him.
Each father feeds his chick a special food that he makes in his throat.
Oh, here come the mother penguins ! They are back at last.
They left two months ago after laying their eggs and went to the sea to eat fish.
The sea is more than a 100 kilometres away !
The fathers have not had anything to eat for two months and they are very hungry !
So now it is the mothers'turn to look after the chicks.
The fathers waddle off towards the sea
After many days of walking , the father penguins reach the ocean.
Their wings are too small to fly but they are very good swimmers.
Splish! Splash! All the penguins dive into the water!
The father penguins spend several days hunting and eating fish.
When they have eaten enough and have become fat enough,
they go back to their families to feed their chicks.
snuggle = se blottir
waddle = se dandiner
On the ice in Antarctica (where the South Pole is).
What do they eat?
Fish, squid...
How big are they?
About as tall as a 6-year-old child
These male emperor penguins stand on the ice all day long without moving. But it looks like they are hiding something on their feet. What could it be?
It is an egg ! Father emperor penguins keep their egg on their feet, to protect it from the cold. But... where are the mother penguins?
The eggs have hatched and the chicks bave come out of their shell.
They stay close to their father or snuggled up against him.
Each father feeds his chick a special food that he makes in his throat.
Oh, here come the mother penguins ! They are back at last.
They left two months ago after laying their eggs and went to the sea to eat fish.
The sea is more than a 100 kilometres away !
The fathers have not had anything to eat for two months and they are very hungry !
So now it is the mothers'turn to look after the chicks.
The fathers waddle off towards the sea
After many days of walking , the father penguins reach the ocean.
Their wings are too small to fly but they are very good swimmers.
Splish! Splash! All the penguins dive into the water!
The father penguins spend several days hunting and eating fish.
When they have eaten enough and have become fat enough,
they go back to their families to feed their chicks.
snuggle = se blottir
waddle = se dandiner
What is a year ? n° 170 p.25
What is a year ?
Maybe a year is when we say "Happy new year" ?
Lét's go and see what the answer could be...
1. We live on a planet called Earth.
We may not feel it but Earth is constantly turning around the Sun.
It takes the Earth one year to travel all the way around the Sun.
2. A year is 365 days because the Earth takes
365 days to go all the way around the Sun.
3. Follow the Earth's year-long journey with your finger. The year starts on the 1st day of January. Now it is February, the second month of the year. Next it will be March, then April and so on, until the end of the year on the 31st of December;
Count how many months there are in a year.
Now I understand, a year is the time it takes the earth to travel around the sun
Good night, little bear ! n° 170 p.3
Good night, little bear!
The first snow had Fallen .
Mummy Bear said to her cub ;
"It's time to hibernate, Little Bear."
"What does hibernate? " asked Little bear.
Mummy Bear lay down next to her on the leaves.
But little Bear couldn't sleep;
He felt something was missing but he don't know what.
He got up without a sound so as not to Waked out into the night.
In the forest, Little Bear saw some woodcutters carring heavy bundles of wood on their backs .
Further on,
Little Bear came to a prety
wooden house by a frozen pond.
He peeked through the window. There was an old lady Inside.
Little Bear thought that if she saw him,
she would probably shout, "shout, " Help! A bear!"
Then she would run away.
Little Bear quietly pushed the door open.
He didn't know whether to go in or not.
But the old lady didn't shout
or run away.
She said in a gentle voice, "Come in.
Don't be scared, come in...
Come and warm yourself by the fire."
The old lady stroded the cub's head and murmured, "Lovely little bear..."
When Little Bear felt warm,
he explored the house.
He foound a pot of honey
in the kitchen.
Yummy! It was delicious!
Little Bear got honey
all round his mouth.
When the old lady saw Little bear,
she said, " You're all sticky!"==(collant)
you need a wash!"
So little Bear jumped into the bath to wash off the honey.
Then Little Bear playfully pushed
the old lady's chair.
That made her laugh and
her cheeks went a pretty pink.
later that night,
the old lady called
Little Bear over to her.
she opened a big wooden trunk and said , "Here .
This is a teddy bear.
It's for you!"
Little Bear
held the teddy bear
gently in his paws.
At last he felt
he felt
he had found
the thing
he had been missing.
Little Bear went back to his mother,
clutching his teddy bear close to him
He snuggled up onthe bed of leaves,
closed his eyes and murmured,
"Good night, little teddybear...
Good night, Mummy..."
Up in the sky, the Moon smiled down...
...just like the old lady.
The first snow had Fallen .
Mummy Bear said to her cub ;
"It's time to hibernate, Little Bear."
"What does hibernate? " asked Little bear.
Mummy Bear lay down next to her on the leaves.
But little Bear couldn't sleep;
He felt something was missing but he don't know what.
He got up without a sound so as not to Waked out into the night.
In the forest, Little Bear saw some woodcutters carring heavy bundles of wood on their backs .
Further on,
Little Bear came to a prety
wooden house by a frozen pond.
He peeked through the window. There was an old lady Inside.
Little Bear thought that if she saw him,
she would probably shout, "shout, " Help! A bear!"
Then she would run away.
Little Bear quietly pushed the door open.
He didn't know whether to go in or not.
But the old lady didn't shout
or run away.
She said in a gentle voice, "Come in.
Don't be scared, come in...
Come and warm yourself by the fire."
The old lady stroded the cub's head and murmured, "Lovely little bear..."
When Little Bear felt warm,
he explored the house.
He foound a pot of honey
in the kitchen.
Yummy! It was delicious!
Little Bear got honey
all round his mouth.
When the old lady saw Little bear,
she said, " You're all sticky!"==(collant)
you need a wash!"
So little Bear jumped into the bath to wash off the honey.
Then Little Bear playfully pushed
the old lady's chair.
That made her laugh and
her cheeks went a pretty pink.
later that night,
the old lady called
Little Bear over to her.
she opened a big wooden trunk and said , "Here .
This is a teddy bear.
It's for you!"
Little Bear
held the teddy bear
gently in his paws.
At last he felt
he felt
he had found
the thing
he had been missing.
Little Bear went back to his mother,
clutching his teddy bear close to him
He snuggled up onthe bed of leaves,
closed his eyes and murmured,
"Good night, little teddybear...
Good night, Mummy..."
Up in the sky, the Moon smiled down...
...just like the old lady.
dimanche 23 juin 2013
SamSam, scary screaming n°170 p. 28
SamSam and his friend Superjulie are flying
around in space.
SamSam says, " Let's land on this unknown
planet, Superjulie. Don't be scared, I will protect you..."
"...I'm a cosmic hero and I always protect girls!"
"Don't bother, SamSam. I'm Superjulie and
I'm never scared ! So you don't need to
show off."
suddenly, there is a loud scream, "waah !"
The two friends get a fright !
Let's go and see! " says Superjulie.
SamSam says, That's really
scary sceaming !"
The two heroes crawl along on thier hands
and knees. The screams are so loud that
that ground shakes.
"Are you sure we should
keep going? I'm a bit ... f.f.ffrightened.
"You big scaredy cat !
"Not so brave now, are you ?" says
Superjulie ... "well... I'm scred too !"
They turn and run but somethig follows
It is WahWahs WahWahs are harmless but
they make a lot of noise!
Luckily, when you give them a cuddle,
they quieten down and sometimes, they even purr!
Zouk, Chinese new year n° 170 p.35
In the big, big city there is an area called Chinatown.
One day, Zouk takes Nono to explore this exciting part of the city.
Zouk says, "see all those little pictures, Nono ? That's Chinese writing."
it is all over the place - on adverts, lorries and even on the fire truck.
"And look ! This is the market where they sell lovely toads and
strange fruit we have seen before."
Nono is trying some cakes, They are big and soft and sticky and they look and taste delicious. Especially the green ones !
"Yummy" says Nono. "Hey ! There is an even bigger cake shop over there !"
He runs off.
Suddenly, Nono stops. He is terrified.
They can hear explosions and fierce roaring...
"A dra... a dragon !" cries Nono.
"And shooting ! It must be a war ! Save me, Zouk !"
Sure enough, coming towards them is a huge, scary, scary dragon.
Nono faints. Zouk is not afraid of dragons. She just gets out her magic wand and gets ready to turn the dragon into a sausage...
But suddenly, one ...then two ... then three boys pop out of the monster's body.
"Happy New year !" they shout, smiling.
"What's going on ?" None asks, waking up.
"It's ChineseNew year ! Happy New year, Nono ! says Zouk.
fierce =(person, animal look, words) féroce ,
(heat, sun) = torride
dizzy = avoir le vertige
to faint (dizzy) = s'évanouir
faint = évanouissement, syncope
scary = peureux, qui donne le frisson ,effrayant
pop out = sortir, sauter
toad = crapaud, rat
jeudi 20 juin 2013
SamSam The present for the Teacher n° 166 p;28
It is a new term and, like other children, Sam is going back to school.
SamSam takes his time and chats to the birds on the way.
__ "Hello, birdies!"
__Cooey SamSam! ==> (Cooey OR cooee == coucoo!)
He has fun plying with the cloud !
SamSam decides to go find a little star
to give to his teacher, Birdget.
"This one is very prety." thinks SamSam.
"Birdget will like it."
" Or maybe she would prefer a blue one...
Birdget loves blue!" he says to himself.
SamSam carries on towards school but
stops again to stroke a jellykid. ( to sroke == caresser)
" Look out, SamSam! You are going to be late
for school!" says the jellykid.
" Quick! Time to put my turbo-engine on (time == chronométrer, régler, fixer, choisir OR calculer le moment de)
supersonic speed!" says SamSam, pressing
the button.
A cosmic hero cannot be late on
his first day back at school!
Phew ! SamSam arrives at school just as
the bell rings. Birdget the teacher likes
the star, She says, "Think you, SamSam!"
" You are very sweet !"
mercredi 19 juin 2013
School ahead! rhyme n°166 P. 40
I'm home from the forest,
home from the sea.
I'm dreaming of new friends
waiting for me!
Where have they been?
What did they do?
Shall we work hard together?
Shall we have fun too?
I can't wait to see
What secrets I will find,
with my bag on my back
and my dreams close behind!
School lessons match each picture n°.166 p.52
Splish splash
goes the paint brush .
Scritch, scratch
goes the crayon. ==>( coloured pencil )
Snip, snip go the scissors
inthe __art____ class.
Plink plink, plonk...
Ba da boom... ==> ( ba da boom ==> Roulement de tambour)
Shakka shakka...
Ting a ling, a ling ==>( ting-a-ling == the sound of a small bell)
What a tune !
It's _music__ time.
A, B, C,...
Let's write letters,
spell words and
sound out sentences.
It's time to __read__
and __write__
One, two, three...
Let's count to ten.
Then add two and
take away four. (take away ==> retirer , maths = soustraire )
Let's do
Zouk, and her school friends n° 166 p.35
Today, the children in this big big city are going back to school.
They go on foot, by bus or by car. Allexcept zouk,
she goes by broomstick, like all little witchs.
She is happy to be back at school with her friends and Miss Hypotenuse, her teacher.
"First we are going to do painting and sticking," says miss Hypotenuse.
" That will be fun ! "
But *Zouk is not very good at it. She is soon covered in paint and stickers.
The other children make fun of her. That makes Zouk sad.
(Look, a rainbow dress !) (More like a right mess !)
"That's enough !" says Miss Hypotenuse. " We are going to sing now.
All together, children, One, two, three..."
( There was once a little birdie who was very, very sad because
his singing was so very very bad.)
But Zouk, our little witch, sings even worse than the poor birdie ! ==> petit oiseau
The children make fun of her, "Croak, croak == > se moquer de
croak croak ."
They copy her croaky singing. They think it is funny.
But Zouk does not find it funny at all. she looks like she is going to cry !
"This is enough !" says miss Hypotenuse. " Zouk may not be the best at singing
but I am sure there is something she is really good at. Right, Zouk ?"
( I can fly on my broomstick.) (Broomsticks do not fly !) (Whydon't you try a vacuum cleaner !)
[vacuum cleaner ==> aspirateur ]
So Zouk picks up her broomstick and off she goes, flying through the air
upside down, looping ( loop = une boucle) and diving ( dive= plonger) and staightening up at the last minute.
Zouk is a broomstick champion !
The other children try to fly on a broomstick like her.
But they do not know how. They are not witches.
Now the onlyone who makes fun of Zouk
when she is covered in paint or when she sings badly is.....
...her friend None. But when he does, Zouk turns him into a toad !{toad ==> crapaud}
Hey ! That is not funny !
They go on foot, by bus or by car. Allexcept zouk,
she goes by broomstick, like all little witchs.
She is happy to be back at school with her friends and Miss Hypotenuse, her teacher.
"First we are going to do painting and sticking," says miss Hypotenuse.
" That will be fun ! "
But *Zouk is not very good at it. She is soon covered in paint and stickers.
The other children make fun of her. That makes Zouk sad.
(Look, a rainbow dress !) (More like a right mess !)
"That's enough !" says Miss Hypotenuse. " We are going to sing now.
All together, children, One, two, three..."
( There was once a little birdie who was very, very sad because
his singing was so very very bad.)
But Zouk, our little witch, sings even worse than the poor birdie ! ==> petit oiseau
The children make fun of her, "Croak, croak == > se moquer de
croak croak ."
They copy her croaky singing. They think it is funny.
But Zouk does not find it funny at all. she looks like she is going to cry !
"This is enough !" says miss Hypotenuse. " Zouk may not be the best at singing
but I am sure there is something she is really good at. Right, Zouk ?"
( I can fly on my broomstick.) (Broomsticks do not fly !) (Whydon't you try a vacuum cleaner !)
[vacuum cleaner ==> aspirateur ]
So Zouk picks up her broomstick and off she goes, flying through the air
upside down, looping ( loop = une boucle) and diving ( dive= plonger) and staightening up at the last minute.
Zouk is a broomstick champion !
The other children try to fly on a broomstick like her.
But they do not know how. They are not witches.
Now the onlyone who makes fun of Zouk
when she is covered in paint or when she sings badly is.....
...her friend None. But when he does, Zouk turns him into a toad !{toad ==> crapaud}
Hey ! That is not funny !
mardi 18 juin 2013
Rog the dragon goes to school n° 166 p.3
Rog the dragon came to school
on the first day of term. Hewas very shy.
The other children stared at him.
Julian said, "He's ugly !"
anne asked, "Why is he all green ?"
Mario held his nose.
" Pooh ! He smells of butned rice ! "
The little dragon looked down and
said, "Grrumm grrumpf ..."
The chidren laughed.
"He doesn't even speak like us !
"Don't be mean ! said the teacher.
"Rog comes from far away,
from the other side of the mountain."
At first, the chidren weren't sure about Rog.
He breathed smoke out of his nose and
his claws scratched the floor.
But Rog did wonderful drawings
with lots of red.
On cold days, he breathed little flames
so they could all warm their hands.
He even started speaking more like the others.
When he left, he said, "Grrroodbye !"
Soon, the children got used to Learning and
playing with the little dragon.
Then one morning, the teacher said, "Children,
we're going on a class trip.
Guess where? To the other side of the mountain !
Leo asked, "To the land of dragons where Rog lives ?"
"Exactly !" said the teacher.
"Hooray !" shouted all the chilren.
Rog was so proud and happy
that he went red, like glowing embers.
So off they went to the other side of the mountain...
Rog's mum, dad and grandma
caaied the teacher and the chidren
Little Rog flew nearby,
swooping up and down to make his friends laugh.
In Rog's country, the children visited deep, dark caves.
They climbed to the top of a high volcano.
They sailed on a lake of fire in boats made of dragon scales.
Leah whispered in Rog's ear, "Guess what ?
I'mgoing to put lots of red in my drawing, like you !"
A month later, a new girl joined the class.
Mario was surprised. "But... she has no legs !"
Lucy asked, "Why is her hair green ?"
Julian and leah held their noses.
"Pooh ! She smells of fish and chips!"
The little mermaid looked down and
whispered "Shhhh frrrr..."
The Children burst out laughing.
"She dosen't even talk like us !"
"Don't be mean !" said the teacher.
"Sissi comes from far away, from the bottom of the ocean."
At first, the children didn't go
near the little mermaid.
Her skin was always a bit damp and they were worried about tripping over her tail.
But she did wondredful paintings
with lots of blue.
When it rained in the playground,
she sang beautifully.
She began to speak too.
When she got to school, she said, "Shhhhello!"
When she left, she said , Ffffarewell!"
Soon, the children got used to Learning and playing with Sissi.
One morning, the teacher said, "Children, we're going on a class trip.
Guess where ? To..."
She didn't have time to finish.
Mario shouted out, "To the bottom of the ocean ?"
Grace added, "To the world of mermaids where Sissi lives ?"
"Ewactly !" said the teacher.
Then all the children cried, "Yippeee!"
Sissi was so proud and happy
that she went all pink, like a shell.
The teacher and the children got into a submarine,
a kind of ship that takes you underwater.
They looked through the Windows and
saw the place where Sissi and her parents lived.
Sissi showed them a coral reef and
some beautiful fish.
Mario decided that now on,
he would put lots blue in his paintings,
like Sissi.
A month later, a new boy arrived at the school.
He had grey skin and two little antennae.
He shook his square head and
said, " Grrriik tictictic ching !"
The children were amazed.
The teacher said, "This is R12-25 !
He comes from far away,
from planet Miga. "
Rog and Sissi each took
one of R12-25's strange hands and
showed him where the classroom was.
R12-25 said, " Crriik
toctoctoc ping !"
The other children
walked behind him, giggling.
Anna whispered to Gabriel, "Cool!
Our nest trip will be to planet Miga !
on the first day of term. Hewas very shy.
The other children stared at him.
Julian said, "He's ugly !"
anne asked, "Why is he all green ?"
Mario held his nose.
" Pooh ! He smells of butned rice ! "
The little dragon looked down and
said, "Grrumm grrumpf ..."
The chidren laughed.
"He doesn't even speak like us !
"Don't be mean ! said the teacher.
"Rog comes from far away,
from the other side of the mountain."
At first, the chidren weren't sure about Rog.
He breathed smoke out of his nose and
his claws scratched the floor.
But Rog did wonderful drawings
with lots of red.
On cold days, he breathed little flames
so they could all warm their hands.
He even started speaking more like the others.
When he left, he said, "Grrroodbye !"
Soon, the children got used to Learning and
playing with the little dragon.
Then one morning, the teacher said, "Children,
we're going on a class trip.
Guess where? To the other side of the mountain !
Leo asked, "To the land of dragons where Rog lives ?"
"Exactly !" said the teacher.
"Hooray !" shouted all the chilren.
Rog was so proud and happy
that he went red, like glowing embers.
So off they went to the other side of the mountain...
Rog's mum, dad and grandma
caaied the teacher and the chidren
Little Rog flew nearby,
swooping up and down to make his friends laugh.
In Rog's country, the children visited deep, dark caves.
They climbed to the top of a high volcano.
They sailed on a lake of fire in boats made of dragon scales.
Leah whispered in Rog's ear, "Guess what ?
I'mgoing to put lots of red in my drawing, like you !"
A month later, a new girl joined the class.
Mario was surprised. "But... she has no legs !"
Lucy asked, "Why is her hair green ?"
Julian and leah held their noses.
"Pooh ! She smells of fish and chips!"
The little mermaid looked down and
whispered "Shhhh frrrr..."
The Children burst out laughing.
"She dosen't even talk like us !"
"Don't be mean !" said the teacher.
"Sissi comes from far away, from the bottom of the ocean."
At first, the children didn't go
near the little mermaid.
Her skin was always a bit damp and they were worried about tripping over her tail.
But she did wondredful paintings
with lots of blue.
When it rained in the playground,
she sang beautifully.
She began to speak too.
When she got to school, she said, "Shhhhello!"
When she left, she said , Ffffarewell!"
Soon, the children got used to Learning and playing with Sissi.
One morning, the teacher said, "Children, we're going on a class trip.
Guess where ? To..."
She didn't have time to finish.
Mario shouted out, "To the bottom of the ocean ?"
Grace added, "To the world of mermaids where Sissi lives ?"
"Ewactly !" said the teacher.
Then all the children cried, "Yippeee!"
Sissi was so proud and happy
that she went all pink, like a shell.
The teacher and the children got into a submarine,
a kind of ship that takes you underwater.
They looked through the Windows and
saw the place where Sissi and her parents lived.
Sissi showed them a coral reef and
some beautiful fish.
Mario decided that now on,
he would put lots blue in his paintings,
like Sissi.
A month later, a new boy arrived at the school.
He had grey skin and two little antennae.
He shook his square head and
said, " Grrriik tictictic ching !"
The children were amazed.
The teacher said, "This is R12-25 !
He comes from far away,
from planet Miga. "
Rog and Sissi each took
one of R12-25's strange hands and
showed him where the classroom was.
R12-25 said, " Crriik
toctoctoc ping !"
The other children
walked behind him, giggling.
Anna whispered to Gabriel, "Cool!
Our nest trip will be to planet Miga !
dimanche 16 juin 2013
Lions animal world n° 166 p.30
Lions are very strong. They are not scared of any other animals. But all other animals are scared of them !
Where do they live ?
In Africa, on the Savannah (grasslands).
What do they eat ?
Antelopes, zébras, warthogs and birds...
How big are they ?
They are about as tall as you.
This lion lives with seven lionesses and their cubs.
During the hottest hours of the day
the group, called a pride, rests in the shade of a tree. ( group of lions== pride)
When the evening comes, the lionesses get up to go hunting.
the lion does not go with them.
In a pride (groupe of lions) of lions, hunting is the job of the females !
One lioness stays with the cubs. Fortunately, the lion is there to scare away
some hyenas that come a bit too close. They would like to catch a lion cub,
but they do not dare attack while the lion is there.
The lionesses have killed a zebra.
The lion and the cubs set off to join them.
The cubs have to run to keep up with their dad !
When the lion arrives, the lionesses have already started eating.
The lion roars to chase them off,
He wants to be the first to eat !
Even the cubs are not allowed to go near while the lion is eating.
They will be the last to eat.
That is how it is in the world of lions!
Where do they live ?
In Africa, on the Savannah (grasslands).
What do they eat ?
Antelopes, zébras, warthogs and birds...
How big are they ?
They are about as tall as you.
This lion lives with seven lionesses and their cubs.
During the hottest hours of the day
the group, called a pride, rests in the shade of a tree. ( group of lions== pride)
When the evening comes, the lionesses get up to go hunting.
the lion does not go with them.
In a pride (groupe of lions) of lions, hunting is the job of the females !
One lioness stays with the cubs. Fortunately, the lion is there to scare away
some hyenas that come a bit too close. They would like to catch a lion cub,
but they do not dare attack while the lion is there.
The lionesses have killed a zebra.
The lion and the cubs set off to join them.
The cubs have to run to keep up with their dad !
When the lion arrives, the lionesses have already started eating.
The lion roars to chase them off,
He wants to be the first to eat !
Even the cubs are not allowed to go near while the lion is eating.
They will be the last to eat.
That is how it is in the world of lions!
samedi 15 juin 2013
Whey do we get a fever ? n° 166 p.25
Maybe a fever shows that we are sick ?
What is it all about ?
Let's go and find out...
Waw !
Arthur has a temperature of 38.5C.
Arthur's body is very hot.
He has a temperature or fever.
His brain made his body heat up
to fight germs.
1.Germs have got into Arthur's body.
They are attacling him and will make
him ill! Fortunately, he has an army of
while blood cells that can kill the germs !
2. But the while blood cells do not
manage to kill all the horrible germs
immediately. They ask the brain for help.
3. Arthur's brain tells
his body to heat up to help
the while blood cells.
His body temperature goes up.
He gets a fever.
4.Germs do not like the heat. it tires
them out! But while blood cells like
heat. There are more of them now
and they can fight the germs and
the illnesses caused by the germs.
Now I understand:
a fever helps us to fight germs and defend ourselves against illnesses.
What sort of holiday do you like ? n° 165 p.52
I like visiting other countries
to take photos of pyramids
and other monuments
built long ago.
I like visiting big cities.
I enjoy riding a bus
around the busy Streets
and seeing the sights.
I like nature holidays
far away from the crowds.
I want to walk in the fresh air
with a pack on my back.
I like beach holidays
in hot places.
I want to sunbathe and
swim in the blue sea.
pack = sac à dos
I like visiting other countries
to take photos of pyramids
and other monuments
built long ago.
I like visiting big cities.
I enjoy riding a bus
around the busy Streets
and seeing the sights.
I like nature holidays
far away from the crowds.
I want to walk in the fresh air
with a pack on my back.
I like beach holidays
in hot places.
I want to sunbathe and
swim in the blue sea.
pack = sac à dos
Hamster on wheels N° 165 p.3
Uncle George gave me a hamster for my birthday.
Mum was worried about all the mess (désordre) it would make
but Dad said, "It will be good for Tom
to look after an animal.
It will give him some res-pon -si bility!
I was over the moon.
" Is it a boy or a girl ? " asked Mum.
"A boy, but it's hard to see with all that fur,"
said Uncle George. "His name is Tilbur."
"Tilbur ? That's a strange name ," said Dad.
I liked it... He was my VERY OWN TILBUR!
This was my best birthday ever.
It was the Holiday
so I had plenty of time
to look after Tilbur.
I took him out of his cage and
carried him around
in my t-shirt pocket.
We played trains together.
We even played together
while I was in the bath !
Then I had to go back to school.
The days seemed so long without Tilbur.
When I got home, I could see that
he was bored in his cage too.
So I took him outside for som fresh air.
But Dad said, "If he gets away from you,
you'll never see him again.
He could get run over in the street
or be eaten by a cat ."
But I felt that Tilbur
needed more freedom.
So one Sunday, I spent the whole day
in my tree house doing DIY
like a mad (fou) scientist.
By the evening, I had made Tilbur a really cool...
The idea was simple.
Tilbur ran on his hamster wheel
that drove a belt ( ceinture, courroie) that turned the cage wheels.
So now he could move around on his own,
without coming out of his cage.
Tilbur was a quick learner.
He ran like the Wind !
Dad complained, "He's like a remote-control car... ==> télécommande
Always racing around and getting in the way !"
When I went out for a walk,
Tilbur followed me like a little dog.
Every noticed us.
One day we met Uncle George.
When he saw the Tilburmobile,
he said, "That's a fantastic invention !
All hamsters should have a cage like that !"
Then one day, on the way back from the baker's
I noticed that Tilbur wasn't behind me anymore.
He had disappeared !
I panicked and went back down the road.
Whenever I saw a dog or a cat,
I imagined Tilbur Inside their tummy.
The cars all seemed like monster bulldozers.
Even the butcher, who was usually so nice,
had a strange smile on his face.
Then I noticed an open hole
that lead to the sewers. ==> égout
What if Tilbur had Fallen down there?
I yelled (==> crier à tout-tête ) down the hole,
"Tiiilbuuur ! Tiiiilbuuuuur !"
But my voice just echoed
in the darkness.
I began to sob.==> sangloter
The water at the bottom would be really cold and
Tilbur didn't know how to swim without a ring. ==>( for swimmer)bouée
Suddenly, a helmet appeared and then a man's head.
The man said, "What's wrong, son ?
Have you lost something ?"
I wailed, (==>hurler, gémir) "My hamster fell down this hole. "
The sewer worker said, "I doubt it.
I've been working down here all morning and
I would have noticed. Mind you,
all this stuff (choses; trucs) did land on me ! "
He spread out a whole load of ===> beacoup
things in front of me...
But Tilbur wasn't there.
I could feel my eyes filling with tears
so I decided to go home.
the phone rang.
It was my uncle.
"Hello, this is Captain George
from Hamster Airways !
Please prepare
for a landing
in your garden
any minute now !"
I looked out of the window and
saw Tilbur in his cage.
hanging from some balloons.
He was happily piloting
a new version of the Tilburmobile.
Uncle George said on the phone,
laughing, "Tilbur kindly came to visit me,
so he and I wanted to surprise you !"
I hurried outside, shouting for joy,
Green sea turtles n° 165 p.32
seaweed ==> algues
octopus ===> pieuvre
to mate ==> accoupler, s'acoupler
hatch ===> faire éclore
fat ===> matière grasse
Green sea turtles are actually ... Brown !
They live in the deep blue sea !
Where do they live ?
In warm waters in all océans.
Where do they eat ?
Seaweed, squid and octopus...
How big are they
About as long as a 6-year-old child.
These turtles have swum across the ocean to get back.
to the beach where they were born. The male and female mate to make babies.
A few days later, the female turtle watches the beach.
She cannot spot any danger so she gets out of the water.
The female pulls herself up onto the beach.
She digs a hole in the sand with her back legs.
But it is hard for her. She is clumsy on land.
The turtle lays about one hundred eggs in the hole.
The eggs are round and about the size of a ping-pong ball.
She covers them with sand and goes back to the sea.
Tow months later, the sand begins to move !
The baby turtles hatch out of thier eggs and race to the sea.
They have to hurry as there are crabs and birds waitng to gobble them up !
This little baby turtle has escaped the danger ! She swim out to sea.
If she can keep away from large fish. she will come back in a few years' time to lay her eggs on this beach.
They are called green sea turtles because their fat is green.
The biggest green sea turtles weigh 300 kilograms.
which is like four dads !
When baby turtles are born.
they already know how to survive in the sea.
Green sea turtle can stay under water for three hours without breathing.
octopus ===> pieuvre
to mate ==> accoupler, s'acoupler
hatch ===> faire éclore
fat ===> matière grasse
Green sea turtles are actually ... Brown !
They live in the deep blue sea !
Where do they live ?
In warm waters in all océans.
Where do they eat ?
Seaweed, squid and octopus...
How big are they
About as long as a 6-year-old child.
These turtles have swum across the ocean to get back.
to the beach where they were born. The male and female mate to make babies.
A few days later, the female turtle watches the beach.
She cannot spot any danger so she gets out of the water.
The female pulls herself up onto the beach.
She digs a hole in the sand with her back legs.
But it is hard for her. She is clumsy on land.
The turtle lays about one hundred eggs in the hole.
The eggs are round and about the size of a ping-pong ball.
She covers them with sand and goes back to the sea.
Tow months later, the sand begins to move !
The baby turtles hatch out of thier eggs and race to the sea.
They have to hurry as there are crabs and birds waitng to gobble them up !
This little baby turtle has escaped the danger ! She swim out to sea.
If she can keep away from large fish. she will come back in a few years' time to lay her eggs on this beach.
They are called green sea turtles because their fat is green.
The biggest green sea turtles weigh 300 kilograms.
which is like four dads !
When baby turtles are born.
they already know how to survive in the sea.
Green sea turtle can stay under water for three hours without breathing.
mardi 11 juin 2013
Why do wasps sting us somtimes n°165 p. 26
Maybe wasp sting us when we annoy them!
Maybe they do not want us to take their honey ?
really? But honey is made by bees, not wasp!
Let's go and see what the answer could be...
1. Wasp usually come
near us if they are
attracted by something
we are eating, such as
melon or other sweet
fruit, sausages or
2. If we try to swat them
or crush them, they may
defend themselves by
stinging us!
3. Even if we do not
hurt wasps, we often
move around and
wave our arms
because we are
afraid of them.
All this movement
scares the wasps.
If they think we are
dangerous, they will stinging!
4. If wasp comes near
you. stay calm and stand
as still as a statue!
you can also hide
your food or move it
away from you
I understand :
when there is a wasp around,
stay calm and still
and it will not
sting you !
wasp== guêpe
sting(insect, nettle, scorpion)==> piquer, brûler, arnaquer
crush ==> écraser, se serrer, s'écraser,
lemon crush == citron pressé
What is soft like sponge and has sugary coat ?
This sweet dessert just slips down your throat
slip down = glisser, se glisser
sponge == éponge
sugary == sucré mielleux
dimanche 9 juin 2013
Pat-a-cake rhyme n° 165 p.44
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, baker's man, ===> pat ==tapoter
Bake me a cake as fast as you can, ===> faire cuire au four
Pat it and prick it and mark it with B, ==> piquer percer
And put it in the oven for baby and me!
Ice cream
What is cold and colourful and good to lick?
It meltas you watch so eat it quick !
SAMSAM No swiming ! n°165 p.30
1) SamSam and his friend Muckyuck are flying over the ocean. It is huge! 2) There are lots of boats on the water. little ones, big ones pretty ones, ugly ones, 3) SamSam says, " I am going to land so we can have swim." 4) "NO WAY ! " says MuckYuck . " I NEVER swim! Swimming is very bad for you !" 5) MuckYuck tries to stop SamSam. "NOOOO, don't do it , SamSam !" 6) MuckYuck says, Do you know how dangerous water is ? It can... wash you " 7) "Water would wash off my wonderful dirt marks and remove my peelings and my stains!" ===>(stain == tache, teinture) 8) "I only swim in mud ! It makes you nice and dirty" says MuckYuck. 9) MuckYuck says, " see , SamSam? You are all clean now! What will your mum think? Come here. Let me rub some of my off on you ! " 10) "There! Now you are a mucky ( sale, crasseux) little pup ==>(chiot, jeune animal) again, SamSam! " " Okey! Ready, now? asks SamSam. 11) "Hey, MuckYuck!" says SamSam. "You are a really good friend ... even if you do not like washing." Chocolate what is hard and brown but deliciously sweet ? It comes in squares that are easy to eat |
jeudi 6 juin 2013
Je mets la table
Every day I set the table for breakfast ===>
Tous les jours, je mets la table pour le petit déjeuner.
I put a knife, a fork and a spoon next to my plate.===>
Je mets un couteau et une fourchette une cuillère à côté de mon assiette.
Then I put a glass and a cup. ===>
Ensuite, je mets un verre et une tasse.
Then I eat with my familly ! ===>
Ensuite je mange avec ma famille !
Je commande dans un restaurant
Can we order, please ? Yes, of course !
I'll have a hamburger and some fries , please ===>
Je vais prendre un hamburger et des frites s'il vous plaît.
And I would also like a salad and an ice cream. ==> Et je voudrais aussi une salade et une glace.
Can we have the bill, please ? ====> Pouvons-nous avoir l'addition s'il vous plait ?
Je demande mon chemin
Excuse me, sir ! Could you help me ? ===> Excusez-moi, monsieur, Pourriez -vous m'aider?
Yes, of course ! ==== > Oui, bien sûr !
I'm looking, for the cinema. ====> Je cherche le cinéma.
Turn left, =====> tournez à gauche,
then turm right. ======> puis tournez à droite
and you'll find it ! =======>et vous le trouvez
J'achète quelque chose
Three cakes, please How much is it ?
It's ten dollars.
It's expensive !
I'll take only one.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
On peut aussi dire :
Thank you very much.
Attentio !
How much + nom au singlier ==== > How much maney ===> Combien d'argent ? ou :
How many + nom au pluriel, ====> How many toys ====> Combien de jouet ?
It's ten dollars.
It's expensive !
I'll take only one.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
On peut aussi dire :
Thank you very much.
Attentio !
How much + nom au singlier ==== > How much maney ===> Combien d'argent ? ou :
How many + nom au pluriel, ====> How many toys ====> Combien de jouet ?
Rag the dragon goes to school ---- N°167----- P.3
Rag the dragon goes to school
P. 3)
Rag the dragon came to school
on the first day of term. He was very shy.
P. 4)
The other chidren stared at him.
Julian said, "He 's uggly!"
Anna asked, " Why is he all green?"
Mario held his nose.
"pooh! He smells of burned rice! "
The little dragon looked down and
said, "Grrumm grrumpf..."
The childre laughed.
"He doesn't even speak like us!"
" Don't be mean! " said the teacher. (Don't be mean ! == ne soyez pas méchant )
" Rag comes from far away,
from the other side of the mountain. "
P. 6)
At first, the children weren't sure about Rog.
He breathed smoke out of his nose and
his claws scratched the floor.
But Rog did wonderful drawings
with lots of red.
On cold dags, he breathed little flames
so they could all warm their hands.
He even stared speaking more like the others.
When he arrived he said, "Grrrello!"
When he left, he said, " Grrroodbye!"
Soon, the childre got used to Learning and
playing with the little dragon.
P. 8)
Then one morning, the teacher said, "Children,
we're going on a class trip.
Guess where ? To the other side of the mountain ! "
Leo asked, " To the land of dragons where Rog lives? "
"Exactly !" said the teacher.
"Hooray!" shouted all the children.
Rog was so proud and happy
that he went red, like glowing embers.
So off they went to the other side of the mountain...
Rog's mum, dad and grandma
carried the teacher and the chidren
on thier backs, flapping thier wings all the way!
Little Rog flew nearby,
swooping up and down to make his friends laugh.
In Rogs country, the children visited deep, dark caves.
they climbed to the top of a high volcano.
They sailed on a lake of fire in boats made of dragon scales.
Leah whispered in
Rog's ear, " guess what?
I'm going to put lots of red
in my drawings, like you !"
A month later, a new girl joined the class.
Mario was surprised. "But... she has no legs ! "
Lucy asked, "Why is her hair green?"
Julian and Leah held their noses.
"Pooh ! She smells of fish and chips!"
The little mermaid looked down and
whispered, "Shhhh frrrr..."
The children burst out laughing.
"She doesn't even talk like us!"
"Don't be mean !" said the teacher.
"Sissi comes from far away,
from the bottom of the ocean. "
P. 16)
At first, the children didn't go
near the little mermaid.
Her skin was always a bit damp and
they were worried about tripping over her tail.
But she did wonderful paintings
with lots of blue.
When it rained in the playground,
she sang beautifully.
She began to speak too.
When she got to school, she said, "Shhhhello!"
when she left, she said, "Ffffarewell!"
Soon, the children got used to Learning and
playing with Sissi.
One morning, the reacher said, "Children,
we're going on a class trip.
Guess where ? To...
She didn't have time to finish.
Mario shouted out, "To the bottom of the ocean ?"
Grace added, "To the world of mermaids where Sissi lives ?"
"Exactly! " said the teacher.
Then all the chidren cried, Yippeee!"
Sissi was so proud and happy
that she went all pink, like a shell.
The teacher and the children got into a submarine,
a kind of ship that takes you underwater.
They looked through the Windows and
saw the place where Sissi and her parents lived.
Sissi showed them a coral reef and
some beautiful fish.
Mario decided that from now on,
he would put lots of blue in his paintings,
like Sissi.
A month later, a new boy arrived at the school.
He had grey skin and two little antennae.
He shook his square head and
said, "Crrriik tictictic ching!"
The children were amazed.
The teacher said , "This is R12 -25!
He comes from far away,
from planet Miga."
Rog and Sissi each took
one of R12-25's strange hands and
showed him where the classroom was.
R12-25 said, "Crriik
toctoctoc ping !"
The other children
walked behind him, giggling.
Anna whispered to Gabriel, "Cool!
Our next trip will be to planet Miga ! "
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