jeudi 23 mai 2013

Why do we have to brush our teeth ? n°172

Why do we have to brush our teeth ?

Is it to stop your teeth falling out  ?

Or maybe so we can make bubbles with toothpaste ?

No, it's to make your mouth smell nice !

Let's go and see what the answer could be !

1   -  When you eat, little bits of food get stuck between your teeth.

2   - We all have bacteria in our mouth. These tiny  germs eat the food that gets stuck.

        What do the bacteria do when they have finished eating ?

3   - When the bacteria have eaten, some of them pee on our teeth.
        The pee is acidic and it can make hols in teeth. These holes are called cavities.

        Are tooth cavities a serious problem ?

4   -If you have a cavity we say you have tooth decay. This can be very painful.

       If you get toothache, you need to go to the dentist.

        So what can we do to stop tooth decay ?

5   - Brushing your teeth helps to stoptooth decay. it is like cleaning your mouth. Your
        toothbrushs your teeth and the  toothpaste is like soap.Brushing your teeth gets rid
        of rid of  any old bits of food stuck there, as well as bacteria.

      Now I understand. Bits of food  get stuck between our teeth we eat. Bacteria eat the
       bits of food and make acid that can cause holes in teeth. Brushing  your teeth get           
       rid of the bits of food. and the bacteria. So no more tooth decay !


to get rid   ===  se débarrasser

to get stuck  ==  être coincé

to  scrub  ==  frotter à la brosse

 pee ==  le  pipi

to have OR to take a pee  == faire pipi

to decay  == pourir 

decay ==  la carie dentaire


to get rid of ==  se débarrasser, débarrasser

                 faire disparaître éliminer,  chasser


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