dimanche 12 mai 2013

The Crow and the Fox

The  Crow  and  the Fox

verse 1

Fox on the ground, Crow in the trees.

Fox feeling hungry, crow has some cheese.

Fox licks his lips,  " Good morning, hello.

How do you do, you beautiful crow ? "


Hush, silly bird, don't open your beak.

You'll lose that cheese if you speak.

verse 2

Fox tries again,  "Beautiful day,

Don't you agree ? What do you say ?

Elegant bird with feathers so sleek ?

Can you be dumb ? Why don't you speak ?


Verse 3

"Your wings and your tail are glossy and dark.

Your eyes are like diamonds, your voice lik a lark.

Sing  for me now!  Oh, how I long

To hear just one note  -- won't you sing me a song ? "


Verse 4

Crow feeling good, puffing with pride,

Eyes shining brightly, head on one side,

Opens her beak, lets out a sound -- CAAAGH

Down falls the cheese to Fox on the ground.

Hush, silly bird, why did you croak ?.

You  lost  that cheese when  you spoke.

Fox on the ground, Crow in the trees.

Crow  feeling hungry, Fox has the cheese.


Hush  =  chute !!!  ==    هیس

dumb  == muet  =   لال

sleek  ==  lisse,  luisant  ==  نرم و صاف

sleek  ==  smooth or glossy, as hair

glossy  ==  lustré  ===  براق

lark  ==  alouette  ===  چکاوک

croak   ===  صدای قورباغه و کلاغ

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