dimanche 26 mai 2013

Peregrine falcons == faucon pélrin n°160 p.34

Where do they live ?
Where  there are cliffs for building nests.

What do they eat ?
Smaller birds.


How big are they?
Their open wings are as wide as your outstretched  arms.


They are the fastest birds in the world.

 They sit on a perch looking out for smaller birds

Thenthey chase after them.


This falcon has spotted som pigeons flying over the  forest.
It does  not chase after them straight away.
First it flies higher up into the air.


In less than a minute, the falcon is high up  in the sky.
It is about to make  a surprise attack  on the pigeons.


The falcon chooses which bird it will be  attack.
It folds its  wings  in slightly and dives towards the pigeons?


The falcon folds its wing in tightly to go even faster.
its top speed in now 300 kilometres per hour.


Seconds  later, the falcon has caugh tup with one  of the pigeons.
As it gets near, the falcon opens its wings to help it brake and
 hits the pigeon hard with its feet.


Then it grabs the stunned pigeon in its claws and carries it away.
It will land somewhere safe and pluck the pigeon's feathers
before eating it.


Amazing but true ...

At top speed, falcons move so fast that the air around  them
 makes a whistling noise.
When other birds hear this sound, they know they are in danger!


In the middle ages,lords used tame  falcons for hunting.


Today, tame falcons are used to chase birds
away from airports and fields of crops.

They also live on tall buildings in cities and feed on pigeons.


to chase after  =  courir après

to spot =  repérer

catch up  

to stun  = stupéfier

grab = saisir, s'emparer de,   attraper

peregrine falcon  = faucon pélerin

claw = griffen serre, pince,  patte

pluck  =  plumer  arracher, épiler

whistle = siffler
look out = regarder dehors
look out for  =  guetter

to chase away =  to chase off  == chasser

catch up with
1. To find or arrest after a period of pursuit: The police finally caught up with him in Omaha.
to land = atterir
tightly =  bien serré
slightly = un peu, légérement


outstretched  =  étebdu allongé

with outstretched arms  =  with arms outstretched :
(generally)  = les bras écartés
(in welcome) = à bras (grand) ouvets

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