lundi 21 janvier 2013

Moby Dick chapter three

Moby Dick chapter three
The Pequod was scheduled to sail on Christmas Day, and there was a lot of work to do before. we were getting ready for a three-year voyage. There were supplies to load - beef, bread, and water - sails to mend and decks to clean.
Ships like the Pequod were not owned by one rich man or by the captain. They were owned by whole towns - by old sailors, widows, reverends, shopkeepers, schoolteachers - each person owned a small part of the ship. So when a ship like the Pequod went off to sea the voyage had to be a success because the livelihood of many people depended on it

schedul :

(ex. She was left a widow at 35: elle resta veuve à 35 ans )

livelihood :
source of money
les moyens d'existences
le gagne-pain

The first mate said he was ill, but he was slowly getting better.

We sailed on a cold Christmas themorning, and I had still not seenmysterious Captain Ahab . The longer he stayed in his cabin and remained invisible, the greater our surprise and curiosity .
We heard him, though,


bien que.quoique.

Though he says nothing, he thinks all the more: il ne dit rien, mais il n'en pense pas moins.
At night as we were swinging in our hammocks trying to sleep, we could hear Captain Ahab walking up and down on the deck above us. He made a strange sound when he walked because he had a peg leg.
Starbuck was

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