Fenton Fox often said ti his son, Little fox, " My boy,
when you're big, you will be a chiken thief like me,
like my father befor me, and his father before him..."
One day, Fenton decided to give his son
his first lesson in stealing chikens.
Fenton had spotted
plump, tasty looking hens.
( plump = dodu, bien gras charnu)
He explained to Little Fox, " Take three steps
to the right, then four sreps to the left and
there you are, at the hen house, "Got it ?"
"Got it !" said Little Fox.
He repeated, "Three steps to the right,
four steps to the left and there I am !"
But Little Fox was very nervous.
As he got near the hen house he said
in a quiet voice, " three steps to the right,
four steps to the left...Er...No...
Three steps to the left, four steps to the right...
This must be !"
Little Fox was about to dive in but...
Oh dear ! It wasn't the hen house at all.
It was Buster's Kennel !
The fierce farm dog
barked and (
bark ==> aboyer )
leaped at Little Fox.---------------------------------------------
( leap ==>bondir, sauter, jaillir )
Little Fox ran off as fast as he could.
When Fenton saw what happened ,
he yelped, "you
clumsy fox cub !
( clumsy ==> maladroit, malhabile, gauche )
Will you ever learn ?"
Poor Little Fox was sad.
He didn't like to disappoint his father.
The next day,
Fenton Fox had a plan-that-could-not-go-wrong !
He said to Little Fox, "Stand by the old tree
Where the chicken alxays come pecking.
When one of them gets near...
Snap ! ou grab it ! Get it ?"
" Snap ! Get it ! " said Little Fox.
Little Fox went and stood
behind the old tree and
when a chiken came by ...
Snap ! He Grabbed it ! ===>(
Snap !==> Tien !)
But the chiken said, " wait,
I'm too small to feed you and
your dad. Let me go and
I'll come back with my big sister. "
"Okay !" said Little Fox.
It was getting dark
when Fenton came to get Little Fox.
But...But... Why are you still waiting ?"
Little Fox said, "I'm waiting for a chiken
who promissed to come backwith her sister.
Fenton Fox shouted, "You silly
billy !" --------(
billy ==> goat ==> bouc)
Little Fox
sighed, I hate being a chiken thief..."
------------------------------------ sigh ==>soupir, se lamenter,
One morning,Fenton Fox opened his window and
cried, " A circus ! Brilliant !
Little Fox come here and I'll tell you about
my new plan-that-can't-go-wrong.
See that big chiken over there?
It's called an ostrich.
We'll go to the circus this evening and
when the ostrich comes into the ring
to do its act, I'll make a signal.
At the signal...
Pounce ! Got it !" ====>(
Pounce ==> bondir, sauter)
"Bounce !" sais Little Fox. "No...
Er... Pounce ! Got it !
He thought, " This time,
Dad will be proud of me ! "
That evening, Little Fox and his dad
slipped into the circus tent with the spectators,
As they waited for the ostrich,
Little Fox watched the animals doing thier acts,
Three monkeys jumped through a fire hoop.
A zebra rode a unicycle.
A lion
juggled with a
parrot on a
trapeze. ====(juggled ==> jongler avec)
Little Fox was enjoying it so much that
when the ostrich came on and
his dad made the signal,
he didn't even notice !
P.18 & 19
Suddenly, Ther was lots of shouting.
Parrot : " help ! they'r trying to kill me ! "
It was the ostrich trying to get away from Fenton Fox !
The circus owner : stop them !
But Enzo Tremolo, the circus owner, shouted louder.
The lion threw balls at him to try and make him fall off.
But Little Fox caught the balls and started juggling
Feton Fox : Little Fox, quick!
Fenton yelled and Little Fox rushed towards his dad.
Every chased after Little Fox who jumpednon the unicycle.
The audience : Hurray ! Well done !
The monkeys tried to stop him with their fire hoops. But
Little Fox jumped through them. The audience was
thrilled ! ==> frissoner, éléctriser
P. 20
That's how Enzo Tremolo, the circus owner,
decided to give Little Fox a job.
After that, Little Fox trained every day.
He learned to walk a tightrope,
do somersaults and juggle with fire hoope.
Little Fox thought, "I love
working in the circus !"
P. 22
Little Fox become the one, the only,
the fabulous Little Fox !
Fenton sometimes, when the moon shone at night,
he thought about Little Fox
doing his circus act.
Fenton picked up a few pine cones and
tried to juggle like his son.
But each time, Fenton dropped the cones.
He said, "My son, Little Fox, is really very clever !" and
his eyes shone proudly in the moonlight.