samedi 25 mai 2013

Here comes spring n°172

Here comes spring

Winter melts beneath the sun,
green chases  brown away
Spring slips slowly through the land
and sings, "I'm here to stay !"

Bud by bud and leaf by leaf
spring brushes plants and trees
Young birds dance across the sky,
grass dance in the breeze.

Butterflies wake  in the sun,
a young bee buzzes by.
A snail slides up a waiting stalk
beneath a cloudless sky.

Coats and hats are  put aside
now that winter's gone.
Spring is here, step out and feel
this early summer sun!

1. [under] sous
the ground beneath my feet
le sol sous mes pieds
the ship sank beneath the waves
le navire a sombré sous les vagues
2. [below]
the valley was spread out beneath us
la vallée s'étalait sous nos pieds
3. [unworthy of] indigne de
she thinks the work is beneath her
elle estime que le travail est indigne d'elle
4. [socially inferior to] inférieur (socialement)
he married beneath him
il a fait une mésalliance (formal), il n'a pas fait un bon mariage


[underneath] en bas
from beneath
d'en dessous


breeze (wind) ==  une  brise


chase  == courir après repousser
chase away =chase off  = chasser


slide ==  glisser


snail  ==   escargot


stalk  == tige

buzz  = bourdonnement

bud =  bourgeon, bouton

bourgeonner, former des boutons


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