lundi 27 mai 2013

Why do dads have a beard ? n°164 p.25

Whybe it is because they are men.

It is true, mums do not have bristly hairs ontheir faces !

What is it  all about ?

Let's go and find outwhy dans have abeard..

1. A beard is hair that grows very fast on a man's chin.

2.All  human beings have hairs on their body.
The ones on our head grow the longest. But women do not grow abeard !

3.Women and men are not the same Men have a lot of tiny messengers in
their blood called testosterone.

4. The testosterone messengers in
 a man's blood tell the hairs on his chin
 to grow faster and thicker...

Women do not have somany testosterone
 messengers. That is why the hair on
 their cheeks is fine and soft.

Now I understand dads and mums are different.
Dads can grow a beard because
there is a lot of testosterone in
 their blood .  Mums do not have very much
 testosterone  so they do not
 grow a beard.

Giant squid n° 164 p.30

amazing but true   ==  incroyable mais vrai

amazing ==   شگفت انگیز

amazing but true   ==  incroyable  mais vrai
Squid swim by moving their fins.If ther want to escape quickly they blow a jet of water out through a tube near theirmouth.

There are several kinds of giant squid . Scientist think the biggest may be as long as 13 metres.

Long  ago sailors told stories about the mighty kraken, a sea monster that looked like a giant octapus andattacked ships. They had probably seen a giant  squid.


Giant squid

for a long time,people thout these creatures only existed
in stories told by sailor. But for the last150years, we have known that really do live deep in the ocean.

Where do they live?
At thevbottem of the sea, more than 1000 metres deep

What  do they eat?
Fish and other smaller squid.

How big are they?
They can be longer than a bus.

This giant squid lives deep down below the surface of the sea where it is almost completly dark all the time.

A small fish passes by. The squid shoots out two long tentacles.
There are very powerful suckers  at the end of each tentacle.
The fish cannot escape !

Then the squid grabs the fish with its arms,
Which are also covered suckers.
It pulls its prey towards its beak-like mouth.

Suddenly, a shadow passes over the squid.
Danger! The squid immediately spurts ink into the water to hide itself.
But what creature is hunting so deep down?

It is a sperm whale!
It has just caught another squid but it will be back.
The squid pulls in its arms and swims away at top speed.

dimanche 26 mai 2013

Summer is here n° 164 p.52

Match  each picture
to the riddle-------------------------> devinette
that best describes it.

Yummy !
I am going to have
a tasty ice cream
to cool down a bit.

It is so nice and warm.
I will have a little nap-------------> sièste
in my hammock.

Let's get out
the paddling  pool ------------------>
and have a lovely
cool swim !

On a sunny day
it is fun to have
a picnic.

paddling = pataugeoire
Pataugeoire = petit bassin aménagé pour les enfants à côté d'une piscine

fun = amusement,  plaisir

Rub-adub-dub rhyme n°164 p.44

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub,
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the  baker, the candlestick maker
Turn them out, Knaves all three !

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John,
Went to bed with his trousers on,
One shoe off and one shoe on.
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.

SamSam, Friends fight n°164 p.28

SamSam  is very, very angry with his friend

He lent  Sweetpea his Biffboffer and
Sweetpea  broke it !

Sweetpea :        "I did not do it.
on purpose..."

Sweetpea explains, "I wanted to move
a big meteorite but it was too heavy and
the Biffboffer broke!

Sweetpea says," I am really, sorry,
SamSam !
 Sweetpea :  " I will not do it.
again, I promise !"

But SamSam is so angry that he loses
his temper!

( to lose one's temper  ==>perdre patience, se mettre en colère )

SamSam  : "That is the last time
I am going to lend you
anything ! "

He shouts, " I never want to see you again,
I am not friend any more!"

Sweetpea is very, very sad! He walks away

SamSam is angry but he cannot bear to see
his friend cring.

SamSam  : Wait!

Sweetpea  : sniff

He says to his friend, " I know you did not do
it on purpose, so I forgive you, Let me show 
you how to fix it! "

SamSam explains, " you just put it in
the  repair position, press this button and...
zap! It is fixed!"

He adds, " Come on, Sweetpea. Let's go and
play. We will always be friends!"

SamSam, The magic stone n° 160 p.32

SamSam wants to give his friend, SuperJulie, a present.
"Ready, SamTeddy? Lét's take off..."

SamSam flies the SamSaucer ( flying saucer ==> soucoupe volante) 
way out into space.

He lands on a tiny planet far, far away.

The planet is called precious because
the rocks on it have magic powers.
" I will give  this stone to SuperJulie!

SamTeddy  says, "but it is nothing special.
It is just an ordinary pebble!"

SamSam says, " No, this stone can tell you
what people are thinking."

" I will give it to SuperJulie and when
she puts it up against her ear, she will know
what I am thinking!"

" Let's go !"

A while later, SamSam arrives at
SuperJulie's house.

SamSam  blushes as he gives his friend   ==> rougir, devenir rouge
the magic stone.
" What a pretty pebble==> ( pebble== caillou, galet,)
Thank you SamSam

SamSam runs off. But he shouts back,
"hold the stone against your ear ! "
SamSam is a cospic hero but
he is also a bit shy!  ===> timide,  gêné,  mal à l'aise

SuperJulie puts the stone against
her ear. She hears it say. "I will always
love you, SuperJulie!"



Fruit  salad

snack  = casse-croûte, en-cas

What is orange and red and yellowand ? Thiscolourful snack is healty too.


À l'origine, le casse-croûte[1] ou casse-croute[2] est un outil pour broyer les croûtes de pain à l'usage des vieillards édentés.
À partir de 1898, on appelle casse-croute le repas sommaire que prennent les ouvriers pendant une pause de leur travail.
Par extension, le casse-croute est un repas très simple, ou simplement un sandwich.
Au Québec, un Casse-croûte[3] est le nom donné aux restaurants servant un repas léger, qui peut
également être considéré comme de la restauration rapide. Est très souvent en bordure de route[4]


en-cas /ɑ̃.ka/ masculin, singulier et pluriel identiques (orthographe traditionnelle)
  1. Personne ou chose gardée en réserve pour servir en cas de besoin.
  2. (Cuisine) Repas léger préparé en cas de besoin.
    • Préparer un en-cas.
    • L’en-cas de nuit est une collation préparée dans la chambre à coucher, ou à proximité de celle-ci.
  3. (Par métonymie) Désigne le petit meuble destiné à servir ce type de repas (sens 2).
  4. (Vieilli) Employé comme nom masculin, en-cas ou en-tout-cas désigne aussi une ombrelle plus grande que les ombrelles ordinaires et qui peut servir dans les cas de pluie.
  5. Goûter, casse-croûte, collation.

Peregrine falcons == faucon pélrin n°160 p.34

Where do they live ?
Where  there are cliffs for building nests.

What do they eat ?
Smaller birds.


How big are they?
Their open wings are as wide as your outstretched  arms.


They are the fastest birds in the world.

 They sit on a perch looking out for smaller birds

Thenthey chase after them.


This falcon has spotted som pigeons flying over the  forest.
It does  not chase after them straight away.
First it flies higher up into the air.


In less than a minute, the falcon is high up  in the sky.
It is about to make  a surprise attack  on the pigeons.


The falcon chooses which bird it will be  attack.
It folds its  wings  in slightly and dives towards the pigeons?


The falcon folds its wing in tightly to go even faster.
its top speed in now 300 kilometres per hour.


Seconds  later, the falcon has caugh tup with one  of the pigeons.
As it gets near, the falcon opens its wings to help it brake and
 hits the pigeon hard with its feet.


Then it grabs the stunned pigeon in its claws and carries it away.
It will land somewhere safe and pluck the pigeon's feathers
before eating it.


Amazing but true ...

At top speed, falcons move so fast that the air around  them
 makes a whistling noise.
When other birds hear this sound, they know they are in danger!


In the middle ages,lords used tame  falcons for hunting.


Today, tame falcons are used to chase birds
away from airports and fields of crops.

They also live on tall buildings in cities and feed on pigeons.


to chase after  =  courir après

to spot =  repérer

catch up  

to stun  = stupéfier

grab = saisir, s'emparer de,   attraper

peregrine falcon  = faucon pélerin

claw = griffen serre, pince,  patte

pluck  =  plumer  arracher, épiler

whistle = siffler
look out = regarder dehors
look out for  =  guetter

to chase away =  to chase off  == chasser

catch up with
1. To find or arrest after a period of pursuit: The police finally caught up with him in Omaha.
to land = atterir
tightly =  bien serré
slightly = un peu, légérement


outstretched  =  étebdu allongé

with outstretched arms  =  with arms outstretched :
(generally)  = les bras écartés
(in welcome) = à bras (grand) ouvets

Cross patch draw the latch. n°160 p.44

Cross patch draw the latch.

Sit by the fire and spin.

Take a cup and drink it up.

Then call your neighbours in.

cross-patch  = rouspéteur

latch  = loquet

spin = tourner

pancake recipe == recette de crêpe n°160 p.52

Pancake recipe

First I take some soft , fine flour,

Then I break some eggsinto the mixture. CRACK against the side of the bowl.

Then I slowly addsome cold  white milkand stir gently so there are no lumpy bits.

Last, I cook the mixture, flipping my pancake until it is done. The I spoon an some sugar.

Yum, yum !


pancake = (cooking) crêpe

(make-up) fond de teint épais

samedi 25 mai 2013

How is a house built? n° 160-- p.27

How is ahouse built?

Maybe the walls are built first ?

Maybe the dors are made first and then the roof?

Maybe mums and dads build house...

Let's go and see what the answercould be ...

1 Before a house is built.
an architect makes a drawing of it.
The builders follow this drawing so they  know what they have to do.

2- First workers dig a big hole in the ground with  a digger. Then masons build walls around the edge of the hole. These are the foundations of the house. They make the house strong.

3 - The masons build the  walls higher using bricks ( or stone or wood ).
 They leave openings for doors and windows. Then builders put in the floors and the walls between rooms.

4 - Next, carpenters put wooden beams in place to hold up the  roof .Then roofers lay tiles over the beams.

5 - Next, people start working on the inside of the house.

A plasterer spreads plaster on the walls to make them smooth. Then a painter paints the walls.

An  electrician puts in electrical wiring so the  house has lighting and electricity

A plumber puts in pipes so that water can reach the house. He also installs radiators for heating

A carpenter  puts in doors and window  to keep the house warm and safe.

The outside walls of the house have been painted to protect them againest the weather and  to make the house look nice

An engineer has installed solar panels to turn heat from the sun into electricity.

The builders have put up gutters, a drainpipe and a tank to collect rainwater for watering
the garden.

Now I understand.  To make a house, first the walls are built, then the roof...then  the inside is finished and finally the outside. Lots of people who do different jobs are needed to build a house.


beam  =  la poutre

tile  ==( for roof) tuile (for walls,floor) = carreau

to tile == ( roof) couvrir de tuils  (for wall) carreler

architect  == a :kitekt

plaster = plâtre

wiring  = instalation électrique

lighting  =  éclairage, روشنایی

light =claire, léger,

gutter  == gouttière

drainpipe  = (from roof) tuyau de descente


Here comes spring n°172

Here comes spring

Winter melts beneath the sun,
green chases  brown away
Spring slips slowly through the land
and sings, "I'm here to stay !"

Bud by bud and leaf by leaf
spring brushes plants and trees
Young birds dance across the sky,
grass dance in the breeze.

Butterflies wake  in the sun,
a young bee buzzes by.
A snail slides up a waiting stalk
beneath a cloudless sky.

Coats and hats are  put aside
now that winter's gone.
Spring is here, step out and feel
this early summer sun!

1. [under] sous
the ground beneath my feet
le sol sous mes pieds
the ship sank beneath the waves
le navire a sombré sous les vagues
2. [below]
the valley was spread out beneath us
la vallée s'étalait sous nos pieds
3. [unworthy of] indigne de
she thinks the work is beneath her
elle estime que le travail est indigne d'elle
4. [socially inferior to] inférieur (socialement)
he married beneath him
il a fait une mésalliance (formal), il n'a pas fait un bon mariage


[underneath] en bas
from beneath
d'en dessous


breeze (wind) ==  une  brise


chase  == courir après repousser
chase away =chase off  = chasser


slide ==  glisser


snail  ==   escargot


stalk  == tige

buzz  = bourdonnement

bud =  bourgeon, bouton

bourgeonner, former des boutons


ZOUK in the contryside n° 172 p.35

ZOUK  our   brave little witch, is out for a walk in the countryside with her friends,Mr Pumpkin and  the Pips the cat.  "Hello birds, hello rabbits,  hello deer," says Zouk.
            .Hello mici,  hello foxes, you are all so cute! "

Suddenly they hear  loud noises  in the didtance.
The animals are terrified and run away. But Zouk is not scaredof anything.
                    walks towards the horrible  noises.

Her friends follow her, trembling... especially Mr Pumpkin who is very small.

                         What do they see ?  A huge Machine is ripping up trees.
                 It destroys the countryside and lays a long road everywhere it passes.

                     Zouk is not happy, not happy at all!

          Zouk stands in  front of the mean  machine and shouts, "stoooop !"
A door opens at the top and the mayor of the big, big city pops his head out,  He yells, " Move out of the way, you crazy witch, I'mdestroying everything...

"I'm going to make the city bigger. There will be houses and factories instead of these useless trees! Get out of my  way  or I will squash you with my machine! "

Zouk is not at all happy ... and what do little witches do when they are not happy ?
They cast a magic spell.!  ( Il jettent un sort )

Abraacadabra, don't be mean, be a kind machine!

Now the machine plants trees, water flowers, helps animals and even whistles along with the birds. The mayor  also finds out it is better to be kind. He says, "Thanks Zouk !"

cute == mignon

cute  ==  malin,  malibne

don't get cute with me  == ne fais pas te malin  avec moi


scare  ==  faire peur à

rip up  ==  déchirer,  mettre en pièce

pop  =  sauter , éclater

crazy  == fou

squash  ==  écraser


to cast a spell on OR over sb   (witch) ==
jeter un sort à qqn,   ensoeceler  qqn


whistle  =  siffler

Tasty treats n° 172 p.52

Tasty treats

What is orange and red
and yellow and ...  blue ?
THis colourful snack    ==>snack  = casse-croûte, en-cas
is healthy too.

--- fruit salad


What is  soft like sponge
and has a sugary coat ?

This sweet dessert
just  slips down your throat.



What is hard and brown
but deliciously sweet?

It comes in squares
that are easy to eat.

--- chocolate


What is cold and colourful
and good to lick?   ===> lécher,  humecter

It melts as you Watch
so eat it quick!

--- Ice cream

How do animals keep themselves clean n° 172

How do animals keep themselves clean

Animals get dirtyand tiny creaturescrawl over them.
So theythey needto clean themselves.
Find out how theydo it.

Elephants spend a lot of time each day rolling in mud  and spraying themselves with water to keep cool. then they spray themselves with dust. The dust sticks to their wet skin.
                 It dries to form a crust that protects them from insect bites. Clever !


Zebras take dust baths. They roll around on dry, dusty ground.
                This gets rid of insects in their fur and ...
                     back scratching feels great !


                           Monkeys have lice and fleas in their fur.
They help each other to pick thesetiny bitinganimals out usingtheir hands.
              THis is akso how they show each other they are friends.


                                   Wild boars take mud baths.
                                         When the dries,
                               it falls off, taking any dirt with it.


                                          Some birds get help from animals.
               This joy is sitting on on anthill and letting the ants climb all over him.
They go under the  bird's feathers and eat the insects that are crawling around there !


Some fish in the sea clean other fish, like these small cleaner wrasses.
                        They eat tiny creaturesthat stickto other fish.
                                   They even helpto cleansharks.


     Snakes never wash. They don't need to.
They take off their skin at least three time a year.
       This is  called moulting .  Great idea!

around  ==  around,  pas loin, ici et là, autour de


to get rid of == se débarrasser,    débarrasser,  faire disparaître,   éliminer,     chasser


fur ==  the fine, soft, thick, hairy coat of the skin of a mammal,
 موی نرم


lice  == any small, wingless insect parasitic on humans and mammals and having mouthparts adapted forbsucking,
lice  =  pou,

flea  =  puce
to have fleas  =  avoir des puces

biting  =  piqueur, mordant


jeudi 23 mai 2013

Why do we have to brush our teeth ? n°172

Why do we have to brush our teeth ?

Is it to stop your teeth falling out  ?

Or maybe so we can make bubbles with toothpaste ?

No, it's to make your mouth smell nice !

Let's go and see what the answer could be !

1   -  When you eat, little bits of food get stuck between your teeth.

2   - We all have bacteria in our mouth. These tiny  germs eat the food that gets stuck.

        What do the bacteria do when they have finished eating ?

3   - When the bacteria have eaten, some of them pee on our teeth.
        The pee is acidic and it can make hols in teeth. These holes are called cavities.

        Are tooth cavities a serious problem ?

4   -If you have a cavity we say you have tooth decay. This can be very painful.

       If you get toothache, you need to go to the dentist.

        So what can we do to stop tooth decay ?

5   - Brushing your teeth helps to stoptooth decay. it is like cleaning your mouth. Your
        toothbrushs your teeth and the  toothpaste is like soap.Brushing your teeth gets rid
        of rid of  any old bits of food stuck there, as well as bacteria.

      Now I understand. Bits of food  get stuck between our teeth we eat. Bacteria eat the
       bits of food and make acid that can cause holes in teeth. Brushing  your teeth get           
       rid of the bits of food. and the bacteria. So no more tooth decay !


to get rid   ===  se débarrasser

to get stuck  ==  être coincé

to  scrub  ==  frotter à la brosse

 pee ==  le  pipi

to have OR to take a pee  == faire pipi

to decay  == pourir 

decay ==  la carie dentaire


to get rid of ==  se débarrasser, débarrasser

                 faire disparaître éliminer,  chasser







Why do fingersgo wrinkly in the bath

wrinkly = (skin)  ridé

Why do fingers go wrinkly in the bath

Maybe fingers go winkly because

samedi 18 mai 2013

Verse  1

Spring brings showers; the world's aflood.
Wellies on, let's brave the mud.
We'll go squelching about, squelching about
Squelching about in the mud.
Yes, We'll go squelching about, squelching about
Ssquelching about in the mud.

Verse 2

Kick your boots off, everyone.
Summer's here and so's the sun.
We'll go dancing about, dancing about,
Dancing about in the sun
Yes, we'll go dancing about, dancing about
Dancing about in the sun

Verse  3

Hold your hat, the winds are thieves.
Watch them steal the autumn leaves.
As we shuffle about, shuffle about
Shuffle about in the leaves.
Yes, we can  shuffle about, shuffle about,
Shuffle about in the leaves.

Verse  4

Wind your scarf once or twice
Winter's turned the  pond to ice.
We'll go sliding about, sliding about,
Sliding about on the ice.
Yes, we'll go sliding about, sliding  about,
Sliding about on the ice.


shower ==  douche , averse, pluie, avalanche, grêle  == رگبار

welly  ==> wellies == boots

flood  ==  inondation,  déluge

vendredi 17 mai 2013

The smartest giant in town

The smartest giant in town

The first five verses are sung by George , the giant

Verse  1

My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
But look me up and down-
I'm the smartest giant in town

Verse  2

My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
My shirt's on a boat as a sail for a goat
But look me up and down-
I'm the smartest giant in town

Verse   3

My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
My shirt's on a boat as a sail for a goat
My shoe is a house for a little white mousse,
But look me up and down-
I'm the smartest giant in town

Verse   4

My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
My shirt's on a boat as a sail for a goat
My shoe is a house for a little white mousse,
One of my socks is a bed for a fox,
But look me up and down-
I'm the smartest giant in town

Verse   5

My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
My shirt's on a boat as a sail for a goat
My shoe is a house for a little white mousse,
One of my socks is a bed for a fox,
My belt helped a dog who was crossing a bog;
But...  down- my trousers are falling down,
I'm the smartest giant in town !

The snail and the whale

The snail and the whale

Verse 1

This is the tale,
The incredible tale of a snail and a whale
This is the tale
The incredible tale of a snail
Who snail all round the world  on the tail  of a whale

Verse    2

Land, sea and sky
It was all so enormous it made the snail sigh,
Land, sea and sky
"Oh, how terribly tiny am I
"Oh, how tiny am I, "  said the snail with a sigh,

Verse   3

Then came the day
When the whale lost his way and was beached in a bay.
Then came the day
When the whale was slipping away
And he heavily, helplessly lay in the bay.

Verse  4

Here comes the snail.
keep your eyes on the blackboard- she's leaving a trail.
Here comes the snail.
And she writes on the board," Save the whale."
"Save the whale," writes the snail with her silvery trail.

Verse   5

Dig, squirt and spray,
All the children and firemen are working away.
Dig, squirt and spray,
Till the titide rolls back into the bay
And he snail and the whale travel safly away

Verse   6

Snail after snail
After snail slithers on to the tail of the whale
Snail after snail
And they sing to the sea as they sail,
Yes, they sing as they sail on the tail of the whale

jeudi 16 mai 2013

exprès = on purpose

What's your colour ?

What's your colour ?


what's your  colour, the colour of your skin,
The colour of the  envelope  that you're wrapped in ?

Verse 1

Is it like chocolate, tea, or coffee ?
Is it like marzipan, fudge or toffee ?
Peaches and cream or a strawbe'ry milkshake ?
Or covered in moles like a curranty cake ?

Verse  2

Are you a map of your past disasters ?
Grazes and  scratches and sticking plasters?
Bites from mosquitoes, a yellow-blue bruise ?
And a couple of blisters from rather tight shoes?

Verse  3

How does it go when the weather's sunny?
Brown as a berry or gold as honey ?
Does is go freckly or peeling and sore ?
Is there a mark from the watch that you wore ?

Verse  4

Do you go pink when you're all embarrased ?
Sweaty and red when you're hot and harassed ?
Bumpy and blue on a cold winters day ?
When it's time for your bath are you usually grey ?


 disasters  ==  a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune

  ==  فاجعه مصیبت


graze  == paître,  écorcher ,  == خراشیدن چراندن گله

scratch  ==  grattement  == 

stick   == se planter, tenir coller,  s'accrocher, se bloquer
                 rester , mettre

plaster  ==  (UK) (for cut)
(stiching ) plaster  = pansement(adhésif)

plaster  == plâtre, گچ


mosquito  =  moustique


bruise == bleu  == کبودی


blister  ==  ampoule  ==  تاول


tight  ==  serré  == تنگ


marzipan  == (à la ) pâte d'amandes  ==    شیرینی ارد بادام و شکر
marzipan  == confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white


fudge  ==  a soft candy made with sugar,butter, milk, and chocolate or other flavoring  ==  فاج

flavor== goût, parfum,


toffee == caramel (au beurre)


peach  ==  pêche ==  هلو


mole  ==  taupe  ==  موش کور

 any of various small, insect-eating mammals

curranty  ==  raisin sec

embarrassed  == gêné  ==  خجالت زده شرمنده


Bumpy  == plein de bosse 

sweat ==  suer, transpirer

arrased  =  tourmenter, harceler

mardi 14 mai 2013

lundi 13 mai 2013

snap == bruit sec == صدای شکستگی jaw == mâchoire ===فک

Open your arms and snap them together like jaws.

snap == bruit sec ==  صدای شکستگی

jaw  ==  mâchoire  == فک

nip == pincement; petit coup de dent == گازگرفتن

Crabs can nip you

nip  == pincement; petit coup de dent  == گازگرفتن

Wriggle === tortillement ==حرکت مارپیچی

Wriggle  == to move along by twisting and turningthe body, as a worm or snake

Wriggle  ===  tortillement  ==  حرکت مارپیچی

Puff your cheeks in and out

Puff  your cheeks in and out

Under the water

Under the water

Verse 1

Fish blow bubbles  under the water.
Here's how the fish blow bubbles under  the water
Why don't you swim underwater with me ?
Look throuhg your goggles and see
How the fish blow bubbles under the water;
Down below

Verse 2

Tadpoles wriggle under the water.
Here's how the tadpoles wriggle under the water
Why don't you swim underwater with me ?
Look throuhg your goggles and see
How the tadpoles wriggle
And the fish blow bubbles under the water,
Down belox

Verse 3

Seaweed flutters under the water
Here's how the seaweed flutters under the water
Why don't you swim underwater with me ?
Look throuhg your goggles and see
How the seaweed flutters
And the tadpoles wirggle
And the fish blow bubbles under the water,
Down below

Verse  4

Sharks eat fishes under the water.
Here's how the sharks eat fishes under the water.
Why don't you swim underwater with me ?
Look throuhg your goggles and see
How the shaks eat fishes
And the seaweed flutters
And the tadpoles wriggle
And the fish blow bubbles
Under the water, down below.


down below =  en bas

The dog and the bone

The dog and the bone

Verse 1

Under a clear blue sky,
On a steep green bank,
A small black dog is gnawing a big white bone.
He wags his tail
And bows his head
And there in the pond, sitting all on his own,
Under a clear blue sky,
On a steep green bank
A small black dog is gnawing a big white bone.

Verse 2

Says the dog on the bank
To the dog in the pond,
"I want your bone as well as my own, so there !"
He jumps right in,
But soon climbs out
"I'm cold and wet and I've lost my bone, and where
Was the clear blue sky
And the steep green bank
And the small black dog gnawing the big white bone ?"

Verse 3

Under a clear blue sky,
On a steep green bank,
A sad wet dog is missing his big  white bone
He droops his tail
And bows his  head
And there in the pond, sitting all on his own,
Under a clear blue sky,
On a steep green bank
Is a sad wet dog is missing his big white bone.

steep   =  سراشیب

bank  == talus  === تپه

gnaw  ==  bite or chew on with the teeth == گاز گرفتن  جویدن

wag ==  (   تکان دادن  (دم تکان دادن

pond  == étang  ==برکه

droop  == se pencher  خم شدن

climb  ==  monter  == صعود کردن

wind == to wrap sth around sth

wind == to wrap sth around sth
wind the thread around your finger

cast your line == lancer == پرتاب جال برای ماهیگیری

cast your line  ==  lancer   == پرتاب جال برای ماهیگیری

haul in a rope

Use your arms like a sailor,
hauling in a rope or two

1 verb If you haul something which is heavy or difficult to move, you move it using a lot of effort.

spin and twirl the lasso == کمند انداختن

spin and twirl the lasso  === 
corde pour attraper un animal    ==   le lasso des cow-boys
کمند انداختن

do the swimming crawl == nager le crawl

do the swimming crawl ==  nager le crawl 

do the breaststroke ==nager la brasse====شنای قورباغه

do the breaststroke   === nager la brasse  ==   شنای قورباغه

hug yourself

Hug yourself

Shrug your shoulders

Stretch your arms

Stretch your arms

fold your arms

fold your arms

dimanche 12 mai 2013

Use Your Arms

Use Your Arms

 Use your arms like a  policeman
make the traffic stop and go.

Use your arms like an archer :
shoot an arrow from your bow.

Use your arms like a strongman
lifting up a heavy weight.

Use your arms like a scarecrow :
stick them out all stiff and straight.


Stretch, Shrung Fold, Hug

Use your arms like a mother :
rock your baby, son or daughter.

Use your arms like a diver,
poised to plunge into the water.

Use your arms like a swimmer :
do the breast stroke, do the crawl.

Use your arms like a bowler;
running up to throw the ball.

Use your arms like a cowboy :
spin and twirl the old lasso.

Use your arms like a sailor,
hauling in a rope or two.

Use your arms like a  fisherman :
cast your line, then wind it in.

Use your arms like a fiddler,
playing on your violin.



strick == mettre tenir

stiff == dur, rigide, raide


The Crow and the Fox

The  Crow  and  the Fox

verse 1

Fox on the ground, Crow in the trees.

Fox feeling hungry, crow has some cheese.

Fox licks his lips,  " Good morning, hello.

How do you do, you beautiful crow ? "


Hush, silly bird, don't open your beak.

You'll lose that cheese if you speak.

verse 2

Fox tries again,  "Beautiful day,

Don't you agree ? What do you say ?

Elegant bird with feathers so sleek ?

Can you be dumb ? Why don't you speak ?


Verse 3

"Your wings and your tail are glossy and dark.

Your eyes are like diamonds, your voice lik a lark.

Sing  for me now!  Oh, how I long

To hear just one note  -- won't you sing me a song ? "


Verse 4

Crow feeling good, puffing with pride,

Eyes shining brightly, head on one side,

Opens her beak, lets out a sound -- CAAAGH

Down falls the cheese to Fox on the ground.

Hush, silly bird, why did you croak ?.

You  lost  that cheese when  you spoke.

Fox on the ground, Crow in the trees.

Crow  feeling hungry, Fox has the cheese.


Hush  =  chute !!!  ==    هیس

dumb  == muet  =   لال

sleek  ==  lisse,  luisant  ==  نرم و صاف

sleek  ==  smooth or glossy, as hair

glossy  ==  lustré  ===  براق

lark  ==  alouette  ===  چکاوک

croak   ===  صدای قورباغه و کلاغ

Chanson anglais : Room onthe broom

lean  ==  maigre  لاغر


broom  == an implement for  sweeping consisting of a brush of straw or some other stiff material on a long handle

broom   =   balai

to broom  == balayer


keen  ==  fervent  ==  مشتاق  ==حشیار مای


mean  ==  méchant, avar


I am a cat, as LEAN as can be
Is there room on the broom for
a cat like me ?

Yes, yes, yes !

I am a dog, as KEEN as can be
Is there room on the broom for
a dog like me ?

Yes, yes, yes !

I am a bird, as GREEN as can be
Is there room on the broom for
a bird like me ?

Yes, yes, yes !

I am a frog, as CLEAN as can be
Is there room on the broom for
a FROGt like me ?

Yes, yes,
 no !

I am a  dragon as MEAN as can be
Is there room on the broom for
a dragon  like me ?

NO, NO, NO  !

Ho ho ho ho ho HO !

jeudi 9 mai 2013

riddle == devinette === چیستان معما

riddle  ==  devinette ==  چیستان  معما

recipe == recette ===دستورالعمل غذا

recipe  == recette  ==   دستورالعمل غذا

se prononce( résipi)

flipping my pancake  ==sauter la crêpe


pancake crèpe

bun  ==  pain au lait

flip == lancer( en l'air) ==به هوا پراندن

to flip ==  lancer( en l'air)  ==   به هوا پراندن

lumpy == grumeleux ==قلنبه قلنبه

lumpy  ==  full of lumps, not smooth =

grumeleux  == قلنبه قلنبه

lump  ==  a piece or mass of solid  matter without regular shape or of no particular shape

crack === fêlure == ترک

crack == to break without separation of parts ; become fissured

crack ===  fêlure  ==  ترک

stammer == bégaiement == لکنت زبان

stammer  ==  bégaiement   === لکنت زبان 

boot == (us) cars coffre === صندوق ماشین

boot   == the trunk of a car

boot  == (us) cars coffre  ==  صندوق ماشین

to grumble == to complain === گله و شکوه

to grumble   == to complain  ===  گله و شکوه

misleading == trompeur == گمراه کننده

misleading  ==  to giveva wrong idea to

misleading  == trompeur  ===  گمراه کننده

magnifying === of magnify magnifying glass === ذره بین

magnifying  ===  of magnify    

magnifying glass  ===  ذره بین

magnify  ===  to make greater in actual size ; enlarge  ==

 grossir,  exagérer  بزرگ کردن

scrap === bout === تکه

scrap  === bout  ===  تکه

a small piece

mercredi 8 mai 2013

enquiry == demande de renseignementn, enqenquiry == demande de renseignementn, enquête

enquiry  == demande de renseignementn,  enquête

to grab == saisir = به زور گرفتن قاپیدن

to grab == saisir  به زور گرفتن  قاپیدن

greedy == avide , gourmand, === حریص

greedy == avide , gourmand,  ===  حریص

whiskers == barbe moustache favoris ==ریش

whiskers  == barbe moustache favoris  ==ریش

ex   :   He looked around, twiddling his whiskers 

twiddle ==trpoter == چرخیدن . چ

stern = sever, hard == sévère = سختگیر

stern  = sever,  hard   == sévère  =  سختگیر

ex  == He said in a stern voice

to give up === céder cesser abandonner == دست کشیدن تسلیم شدن

to give up  ===  céder  cesser  abandonner ==  دست کشیدن تسلیم شدن

ex   :  Give yourself up, thief  !

mardi 7 mai 2013

kneel down == s'agenouiller ===زانو زدن - خم کردن زانو

kneel down  == s'agenouiller

زانو زدن  -  خم کردن زانو

boot == botte, bottine == پوتین

boot  == botte, bottine


bush == buisson == بوته

  bush == buisson 


swiftly == rapidement == به سرعت

swiftly  == rapidement  ==

به سرعت

tweezers == pinces à épiler == مو چین

tweezers  == pinces à épiler 

مو چین

crunch == crissement == قرچ قرچ

crunch  == crissement

قرچ قرچ

clue == indiceسرنخ کلید

clue == information that helps solve a crime or a problem
(F) indice

(p)   سرنخ   کلید

lundi 6 mai 2013

sigh == soupirer == آه کشیذن

sigh  == soupirer  ==  آه کشیذن

pant ==haleter ==نفس نفس زدن

pant  ==

to breath hard and quickly, as after exertion<

نفس نفس زدن

out of breath == essouflé ==از نفس افتاده

out of breath  ==      à bout de souffle

  (E)  breathless, exhausted; breathing with difficulty.

(F)  essouflé

(P)  از نفس افتاده

nap == somme خواب کوتاه

nap  == un somme

to take  OR to have a nap  == faire un (petit) somme

to take an afternoon nap = faire la sieste

    چرت زدن    خواب کوتاه

ex  : This little boy is having a nap in the shade of the tree.
        It is cooler there.

dimanche 5 mai 2013

wand == baguette magique pop out === sauter

wand == baguette magique

    pop out   === sauter

fire truck  ===   ماشین اتش نشانی

paw  == patte

waddl   ====  se dandiner

spot  === apercevoir

grid === grille


sort === classer

sorting the books


boar  ===  گراز

shy  === timide , peureux

cosy == confortable

cosy  == confortable


It means finding a nice cosy place  to sleep all winter long

vendredi 3 mai 2013

toothpaste خمیر دندان

decay   ===  mvl o;vnùd nknhk

to get stuck  == se coincer

to pee ==> faire pipi