jeudi 27 décembre 2012

fright ====>affreux, horrible

frightful   ===> affreux, horrible


  1. Words or a formula supposed to have magical powers. [from 16th c.]
    He cast a spell to cure warts.
  2. A magical effect or influence induced by an incantation or formula. [from 16th c.]
    under a spell

go on a rampage

go on a rampage

to get very disturbed or angry. The angry bull went on a rampage and broke the fence. My boss went on a rampage because the report wasn't finished

mardi 25 décembre 2012

pita bread

pita bread
British English ; pita bread American English [uncountable and countable)
a type of bread which is flat and hollow. It can be cut open and filled with food
pitta bread

newborn child/baby/son etc

MBa child that has just been born
newborn noun [countable
Related topics: Furniture
arm‧chair1 [countable]
DHFa comfortable chair with sides that you can rest your arms on

bub‧ble1 [countable]
1a ball of air or gas in liquid:
When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface.
soap bubbles
She wasblowing bubblesin her milk with a straw.
2a small amount of air trapped in a solid substance:
Examine the glass carefully for bubbles.

a bubble of something

literarya small amount of a feeling:
A bubble of anger rose in Pol's throat.
4alsospeech bubbleTCNa circle around the words said by someone in acartoon

the bubble bursts

used for saying that a very successful or happy period of time suddenly ends:
The bubble has finally burst in the mobile phone industry.

burst/prick somebody's bubble

to make someone suddenly realize that something is not as good as they thought it was

have a turn ===> feel slightly ill

have a turn
British Englishold-fashionedto

 feel slightly ill

dans longman dictionary

to get off with sth مح÷.م ضدن به مچازات خفیف

get off (with something)   
to receive only a light punishment for something.
Let's hope John gets off with a light sentence. Max got off with only a few years in prison.
chapter 2
Joe got off  with half a pint
در م.رد قطران چو محئ.م به خ.ردن نیم لیتر از ان شد

mardi 18 décembre 2012

to tell on someone چغلی کردن

To "tell on someone"

means to report their misdeed to the appropriate authorities. It is generally heard among children, for whom the authorities are likely to be parents or teachers. Adults may use it light-heartedly, but in the case of serious infractions are more likely to say "I will report this" or "I plan to file charges" than "I'm telling on you."


misdeed  ===méfait

light-heartedly  ==     de bonne humeur

bribery ===>برای بری ===فساد


corruption f
[of witness] subornation f
open to bribery corruptible
bribery and corruption law corruption

aisle ==> s se prononce pas ===> couloir آیل


1. [in church] bas-côté m, nef f latérale
her father led her up the aisle c'est son père qui l'a menée à l'autel
2. [in cinema, supermarket, aeroplane] allée f
[on train] couloir m (central)
aisle seat
a. [train] siège m côté couloir
b. [aeroplane] (siège m au bord d'une) allée

payoff رشوه



1. [act of paying off] paiement m
2. [profit] bénéfice m, profit m
3. [consequence] conséquence f, résultat m
[reward] récompense f
4. (informal) [climax] dénouement m
5. (informal) [bribe] pot-de-vin m

idiom anglais

S'exclamer est une part importante de la conversation. Nous connaissons la construction grammaticale exclamative en anglais,
mais connaître les formes idiomatiques utilisées dans le langage usuel est primordial pour comprendre par exemple un interlocuteur, un film, ou pour s'exprimer de manière naturelle. Ces expressions ne sont pas toujours soutenues, elles partent souvent du coeur. C'est de la communication spontanée.
Le cours comprend de l'anglais britannique et américain.
Vous connaissez probablement le 'You're welcome!' (de rien) qui permet de répondre à un 'Thank you!' (merci!). Découvrons-en d'autres maintenant.

idiom Appuyer un propos

Appuyer un propos
Come on!
It just goes to show you!
Fancy that!
Tu vois bien!
Tu imagines!
Honest to God!
I swear!
I declare!
C'est juré craché!
Je te jure! Je te certifie!
Ma parole!
Get this!
For heaven's sake!
So help me God!
Tenez-vous bien! (+l'info)
Pour l'amour du ciel!
Dieu m'est témoin!
Not in the least!
Let's get on with it!
Served him right!
Pas le moins du monde!
Passons aux actes!
C'est bien fait pour lui!
What the dickens!
… and it shows!!
No foolish!
Que diable fais-tu?
… Et ça se voit!
Sans blague!

idiom Vous êtes désabusé, résigné

Vous êtes désabusé, résigné.
I don't care!
I don't care a damn!
I couldn't care less!
Je m'en fous!
Je m'en moque!
Je m'en fiche complètement!
I don't mind!
What a mess!
It's no good! It's no use!
Ça m'est égal!
Quelle pagaille!
Ça ne sert à rien!
Take it easy!
Don't sweat it!
Forget it!
Relax! Du calme!
Ne t'en fais pas!
Laisse tomber!
The game's up!
It's all over!
C'est fichu!
C'est la fin de tout!
Encore heureux!
Who would believe it!
Please yourself!
It's up to you!
Qui l'eût cru!
Shame on you!
Tu n'as pas honte!
Faites comme il vous plaira!
You deserved it!Tu ne l'as pas volé!
C'est à vous de décider!
I'll make do!
Je me débrouillerai!