painfully (adverb)
Synonyms: achingly, acutely, aggravatingly, agonizingly, annoyingly, arduously, bitingly, bitterly, cruelly, disagreeably, distressfully, distressingly, excruciatingly, gnawingly, grievously, gruelingly, horrendously, hurtfully, insufferably, irksomely, irritatingly, miserably, odiously, offensively, oppressively, painfully, piercingly, severely, sorely, stingingly, tormentingly, torturously, troublesomely, tryingly, unbearably, uncomfortably, unpleasantly, witheringly, woefully.
Similar words: smashingly, smarting, smarmily, smartly, smartness
Main Entry: 1smart 
Function: verb
1 : to cause or feel a sharp stinging pain
2 : to feel mental distress (as regret, resentment, or embarrassment)
Function: verb
1 : to cause or feel a sharp stinging pain
2 : to feel mental distress (as regret, resentment, or embarrassment)
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