intimate1 (ˈɪntɪmɪt
- characterized by a close or warm personal relationship ⇒
an intimate friend
- deeply personal, private, or secret
- often postpositive foll bywith (euphemistic) having sexual relations (with)
- postpositive foll bywith having a deep or unusual knowledge (of)
- (of knowledge) deep; extensive
- having a friendly, warm, or informal atmosphere ⇒
an intimate nightclub
- of or relating to the essential part or nature of something; intrinsic
- denoting the informal second person of verbs and pronouns in French and other languages
- a close friend
Derived Forms
ˈintimately adverb
ˈintimateness noun
intimate, intimate sth vtr | (suggest, imply) | laisser entendre⇒ vtr |
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