ill /ɪl/
- noun mal m;
to wish sb ~ souhaiter du mal à qn;
economic ~s les maux de l'économie.
- adjective malade;
to be ~ with sth (serious illness) être atteint de qch;
(less serious) souffrir de qch;
to be taken ~, to fall ~ tomber malade.
- adverb sout
- (badly) he is ~ suited to the post il n'est guère fait pour ce poste;
to speak ~ of sb dire du mal de qn;
to bode ou augur ~ for sth littér être de mauvais augure pour qch;
- (scarcely) it ~ becomes you to criticize il ne vous sied guère de critiquer.
- (badly) he is ~ suited to the post il n'est guère fait pour ce poste;
it's an ~ wind (that blows nobody any good) Prov à quelque chose malheur est bon Prov.
ill : ill-advised ~-advised adjective malavisé;
ill-assorted ~-assorted adjective mal assorti;
ill at ease ~ at ease adjective gêné, mal à l'aise;
ill-bred ~-bred adjective mal élevé;
ill-considered ~-considered adjective(remark) irréfléchi;
(measure) hâtif/-ive;
ill-disposed ~-disposed adjective mal disposé;
ill effect ~ effect noun conséquence f néfaste.
ill-assorted ~-assorted adjective mal assorti;
ill at ease ~ at ease adjective gêné, mal à l'aise;
ill-bred ~-bred adjective mal élevé;
ill-considered ~-considered adjective(remark) irréfléchi;
(measure) hâtif/-ive;
ill-disposed ~-disposed adjective mal disposé;
ill effect ~ effect noun conséquence f néfaste.
ill : ill-equipped ~-equipped adjective mal équipé;
ill-fated ~-fated adjective malheureux/-euse;
ill feeling ~ feeling noun ressentiment m;
ill-fitting ~-fitting adjective(garment, shoe) qui va mal;
ill-founded ~-founded adjective sans fondement;
ill-gotten ~-gotten adjective mal acquis;
ill health ~ health noun mauvaise santé f.
ill-fated ~-fated adjective malheureux/-euse;
ill feeling ~ feeling noun ressentiment m;
ill-fitting ~-fitting adjective(garment, shoe) qui va mal;
ill-founded ~-founded adjective sans fondement;
ill-gotten ~-gotten adjective mal acquis;
ill health ~ health noun mauvaise santé f.
ill : ill-judged ~-judged adjective peu judicieux/-ieuse;
ill luck ~ luck noun malchance f;
ill-mannered ~-mannered adjective grossier/-ière.
ill luck ~ luck noun malchance f;
ill-mannered ~-mannered adjective grossier/-ière.
ill : ill-prepared ~-prepared adjective mal préparé;
ill-starred ~-starred adjective littér infortuné fml;
ill-tempered ~-tempered adjective désagréable, déplaisant;
ill-timed ~-timed adjective(arrival) inopportun;
(campaign) malencontreux/-euse;
ill-treat ~-treat transitive verb maltraiter;
ill treatment ~ treatment noun mauvais traitements mpl.
ill-starred ~-starred adjective littér infortuné fml;
ill-tempered ~-tempered adjective désagréable, déplaisant;
ill-timed ~-timed adjective(arrival) inopportun;
(campaign) malencontreux/-euse;
ill-treat ~-treat transitive verb maltraiter;
ill treatment ~ treatment noun mauvais traitements mpl.
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