Off to China
1. P3
It was the summer holidays.
The weather was warm and
the sea was calm.
But one morning,
Tom work up
in a really bad mood.
His mum said, " What 's
the matter, sweetheart?
You seem to be angry with
the whole world!"
2. P.4
Tom was angry with the whole world,
especially with his mum, his dad and his new baby brother.
He was very angry but he didn't really knom why.
So he decided to leave... But where would he go?
He looked at the globe and saw that China was very far away.
That was it! He would go to China!
3. P.5
Tom put every thing
he needed for a long journey
in his backpack : a torch,
a bottle of water,
a large packet of biscuits,
his secret notebook,
a bucket, a big spade
and, of course,
his good friend
Tom went down to the
beach and chose a
where nobody would notice him.
He dug and he gug and he dug and he didn't stop.
At first, other children tried to play with him.
But Tom wasn't playing! He was off to China and
he had a long way to go to get there.
Tom was digging a tunnel that
would go right through the Earth.
He knew it would be hard work
but he had a big
spade !
Tom went on digging...
for a long, long time.
When he got to
the middle of the Earth,
he stopped for a snack.
He didn't eat much because
he had to make his food last.
He still had a long way to go...
He started digging again and
the hole became deeper.
Suddenly, a giant foot crashed down
right in front of him!
Tom heard someone shouting...
It sounded like a swear word !
Tom knew that in China people spoke Chinese
Luckily, Tom could speak a bit of chinese.
His friend Yiyi had taught him.
Tom stopped for a moment to practise
the Chinese words he knew.
"She-ay she-ay" he whispered.
That was how you said ' thank you '
"Ni hao..." That was 'hello'
"Pung yo..." That was 'friend'
Tom felt that he had been diggingfor ages,
maybe a billion minutes!
Was it night yet?
He though about his mum and
dad and felt sad.
Suddenly he wanted to see them somuch
that he almost turned back.
But Rhinoferocious said, "be brave !"
So Tom carried on.
Then suddenly Tm was attacked
by three very angry yellow crabs.
He shouted the only word he knew in Chinese
that would frighten them, "Tzwo Kai!"
It meant 'go away'
The crabs were terrified and
quickly buried themselves in the sand.
If the crabs understood Chinese,
maybe it meant Tom had got there!
He was excited.
He couldn't wait to see China.
He drank one last
sip of water,
picked up his spade and
went on digging as fast as he could.
He didn't stop even though he was really tired.
Suddenly, he was blinded by sunlight.
At last, he was there!
It must have been lunchtime in China.
There was a delicious smell of food.
He said in a shy voice, "Ni hao!"
That was how Yiyi had taught him
to say 'hello'.
A family sitting close by
all replied, "Ni hao"
Then one of the little girls asked
in English, " Are you Tom?"
She pointed down the beach.
"I think your parents are looking for you.
They've been calling you for ages!"
Tom picked up his things and
ran off across the sand back to England.
He got there just in time.
His mum was putting the picnic out.
She gave him a big hug and
said, " Where on earth have you been, my Darling?
We were calling you!
Oh, you're all covered in sand!"
"Yes, " said Tom, "It's because
I've been all the way to China and back!"